

Hole-y bowls and double Doges: 20+ Designs that aren't quite right

Hole-y bowls and double Doges: 20+ Designs that aren't quite right

Seeing these badly designed items really makes you appreciate the well-designed things in the world. Great design is one of those things you don't always appreciate right away. For example, anyone could make a chair, but is it comfortable? If the design of that furniture is poor, you're going to know right away. The same goes for funny signs , which can sometimes spell out funny words unintentionally. Or maybe it's intentional, and the sign maker is just hoping for the right person to notice th…
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Deceptive products, services and advertisements that lied and cheated consumers.

Manipulative and Awful Products and Ads Designed By Jerks

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misleading screen and jar of nuts

25 Terrible And Misleading Products and Ads Created By Pure Evil

It never feels good to be completely taken for a ride by manipulative and terrible products , but sometimes it just happens. You would never imagine that a phone application might charge you to delete the app, but in a world with videogame microtransactions, cryptocurrency, and people trying to make a quick buck wherever they can, you can never be too careful. Here's a collection of 25 ridiculous products and advertisements that are misleading at best and straight-up evil at worst. From the dis…
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ad disappointment and the products were not like that

30 Disappointing Times Things Did Not Look Like the Ad

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What a Subtle Way to Get a Big Ol' Pickle On Some Thirsty Lips

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So These Are the Kind of Sausages You Should or Shouldn't Bite?

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Sounds Just Like French!

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Clean Until Your First Time

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When You're Packaging isn't as Clever as Your Product

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You Know... Buttermilk *Wink Wink*

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The Design Department Was on Strike

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This Hardly Seems Necessary

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Let Potential Customers Know Where They Stand

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Every Single Time

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