

'If you're being serious, I quit': Employee saves Fortune 500 company whopping $20 million in profits, denied promotion, offered 2% raise instead, employee quits

'If you're being serious, I quit': Employee saves Fortune 500 company whopping $20 million in profits, denied promotion, offered 2% raise instead, employee quits

‘I quit, period’ denied promotion, offered 2% raise instead saved company 20 mil given 2 percent raise denied promotion
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'My boss snubbed me after I saved the company $45,000' : Boss refuses to promote burnt out employee despite increased profit margins, leads to malicious compliance, boss gets made redundant

'My boss snubbed me after I saved the company $45,000' : Boss refuses to promote burnt out employee despite increased profit margins, leads to malicious compliance, boss gets made redundant

Managers often have the tendency of getting employees to jump through hoops in hopes of getting promoted, then don't end up delivering. This employee did so much extra work that she actually saved the company $45,000, but alas, she was told she was still not ‘deserving’ of a promotion. In other words, even if you do a good job, it's not good enough. Fed up, OP decided enough was enough, because if the company was saving $45,000 but still couldn't ‘afford to give OP a raise’, then why bother put…
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20+ Memes of the Week for Work Wardens Who Roast Their Coworkers (March 22, 2023)

20+ Memes of the Week for Work Wardens Who Roast Their Coworkers (March 22, 2023)

When in doubt, don't ask your Karen coworker, or so I've been told. In fact, stay as far away from her (or him, we don't discriminate against Karens around here) as you can. Sure, your team may be severely understaffed, but it's the rule of thumb, so no cheating. On top of the fact that you're overworked because of said lack of employees, you also aren't making close enough to what you should be making. Why? Because companies are greedy, bosses don't like promoting good workers, and all in all,…
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'She demanded my manager fire me on the spot' : Entitled customer karen has meltdown and calls corporate following barista's savage confession

'She demanded my manager fire me on the spot' : Entitled customer Karen has meltdown and calls corporate following barista's savage confession

Karens enjoy being given attention (albeit negative), and unfortunately, it tends to come at other people's expense. Especially those who work in customer service, AKA baristas, servers, retail workers, etc. This Karen picked the wrong day to mess with this barista, as it was the employee's last day. Karen had a constant rude, demeaning attitude, making employees and customers hate her alike. So it couldn't have been that much of a surprise that this employee snapped. But of course, we're talki…
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‘HR emailed me about a bug in the ERP system, and I wished them good luck’ : Employee maliciously complies with boss after he tells him to stick to his 'job title'

‘HR emailed me about a bug in the ERP system, and I wished them good luck’ : Employee maliciously complies with boss after he tells him to stick to his 'job title'

The correct response to an employee doing good work outside of their job title is ‘thank you’, but there was one supervisor who has apparently lived under a rock his whole life, instead getting mad at an employee who did exactly that. See, this employee was working at a construction company, his job title being related to inventory. He quickly became good at it and took it upon himself to study the company's cloud-based ERP service that they used for all internal and external transactions. He q…
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‘You’ll work when I tell you to work’ : Terrible boss makes employee work on vacation, cue malicious compliance, boss gets fired, employee gets boss's job

‘You’ll work when I tell you to work’ : Terrible boss makes employee work on vacation, cue malicious compliance, boss gets fired, employee gets boss's job

When a boss is as terrible at managing projects as he is at managing people, trust you're gonna suffer the consequences, whatever they may be. This employee had to work on his vacation to make up for the ridiculous amount of time lost thanks to awful management. He was working on a project for his company, of which he and his team were behind schedule. The reason for that being… his boss. He quickly realized that he was going to be the scapegoat for said lousy management, so he handed in his tw…
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‘You Say the Attendance System Is Law? Fine, I’ll Use It to My Advantage’ : Fed up Employee Plays Work System via Malicious Compliance, Following Bossy Manager’s Unfair Formal Rebuke

‘You Say the Attendance System Is Law? Fine, I’ll Use It to My Advantage’ : Fed up Employee Plays Work System via Malicious Compliance, Following Bossy Manager’s Unfair Formal Rebuke

A boss with an imperious attitude… what else is new? If you've ever been reprimanded unfairly by upper management, join the club. To think we're all humans at the end of the day who have their own issues, go to the bathroom and cringe at the lack of toilet paper, drink one too many beers, cry over an ex… it's crazy how authority can make you forget all that, leading to unjust actions toward an employee. This employee in particular was a model worker — so he was a little more than surprised when…
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‘Fine, No Problem. I’ll Clean the Floor.’ : Bossy Manager Treats Overworked Employee Poorly, Giving Him Extra Duties That Are Not Part of His Job Description, Leading To Malicious Compliance

‘Fine, No Problem. I’ll Clean the Floor.’ : Bossy Manager Treats Overworked Employee Poorly, Giving Him Extra Duties That Are Not Part of His Job Description, Leading To Malicious Compliance

The service industry is pretty volatile, as the environment is not exactly a professional one. If you've never had a job in this line of work, let me tell you, you are not missing out. What goes on behind the scenes ain't pretty. For some weird reason, managers in restaurants generally seem to be on some power trip. Their ego quickly outgrows their head, leading to repetitive conflict. u/Dio_bean took to Reddit, sharing his own experience with a terrible manager who instructed him to do a ‘deep…
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‘Fine, I’ll Play the System’ : Man Commutes 175 Miles per Day to Work, Company Refuses to Reimburse Him for Transit, Leading to Malicious Compliance

‘Fine, I’ll Play the System’ : Man Commutes 175 Miles per Day to Work, Company Refuses to Reimburse Him for Transit, Leading to Malicious Compliance

Committing to a 6+ hour commute to work every day is a superpower that most of us cannot claim to have. I certainly wouldn't be willing to do that under any circumstance. This Redditer told his impressive tale of malicious compliance, where he beat the system that was designed to fail, after asking his company to reimburse his travel costs. At the time he was living in San Diego, working in Downtown Los Angeles (that's a 175-mile per day commute). He was in the middle of studying for an exam th…
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