

Overworked employee takes up more duties as coworker leaves without notice, only to discover that same coworker got promoted to the position they were both after: ‘I feel betrayed’

Overworked employee takes up more duties as coworker leaves without notice, only to discover that same coworker got promoted to the position they were both after: ‘I feel betrayed’

Every employee wants to prove themselves in their workplace, if not for their own sense of accomplishment, then so they can prove to their managers that they are hard workers and are worthy of future promotions and reinforcement. The problem is, that there is a very thin line between proving your worth and being exploited, and managers love to cross that line in order to get more out of their employees, without having to pay for it. It seems like the employee in this Reddit story has also been…
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‘I’m not proving my value, bye': Tenured team member told by boss he needs to become a manager to get a raise, despite being paid $40,000 under market value

‘I’m not proving my value, bye': Tenured team member told by boss he needs to become a manager to get a raise, despite being paid $40,000 under market value

What will it take for managers to wake up? Do all their most experienced employees need to walk out the door for them to agree to a raise? Getting ahead with inflation today is hard, but companies are making it so much harder by underpaying you and expecting you to just take it. Well, let's collectively say ‘no more’ to silence, because this is getting ridiculous. One employee was working at a manufacturing company, making way less than his coworkers. He was frustrated after he saw other people…
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'The company collapsed without me': Overworked employee quits after being put on probation, company fires entire management team shortly after that

'The company collapsed without me': Overworked employee quits after being put on probation, company fires entire management team shortly after that

This might be petty, but it is extremely satisfying to hear that the toxic company you worked for and carried on your back is crumbling without you. Even though you might actually care about the work or the clients, if you left (or even asked to leave) without being appreciated, it feels good to know that at least karma had your back. Which is what happened to this employee in this Reddit story. After OP (original poster) threw their back out at the job, they were put on a performance improveme…
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‘You can’t leave, you're my only employee': Boss demands overworked employee not to quit after he gets a better offer, but refuses to give him a raise

‘You can’t leave, you're my only employee': Boss demands overworked employee not to quit after he gets a better offer, but refuses to give him a raise

It is one thing to like your boss as a person and another thing to like your boss as a boss. They can be wonderful people, and you can have a lot in common with them, but still be terrible at managing people, and give you a hard time at the job. This is why it is important to separate between the two and remember that even though you might like your boss outside the work, they are still the person who is in charge. The employee in this Reddit story also learned that although his boss was genera…
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34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

I need a vacation asap. Work has me yawning in my seat, dreaming of powdery white sand, blue skies, green palm trees, and turquoise water. But one can only go on vacation if they can afford it, and unfortunately, I can't right now. So I'll sift through emails, organize folders, and do my boss's bidding in the meantime. What other choice do I have? Inflation is ruining us all. Heading out to the local store and buying groceries evokes anxiety in me like nothing else, except maybe car trouble. Si…
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work story working workplace boss employee quit overworked hardworking retribution happy-ending quitting-on-site quitting-on-the-spot stories epic awesome empowering

'I couldn't let her talk to me like that': Overworked employee calls their boss's bluff, quitting 10 seconds after being called 'replaceable'

After an 80-hour work week with nothing to show for it but bags under your eyes and a dusty, unchanged salary check, overworked employees can start to unravel, like the worker in our next story.
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quitting quit i-quit reddit reddit-thread work work-story overworked underpaid pay raise manager boss promotion denied

'More money for me and my cats': Overworked and underpaid employee triumphantly throws in the towel, finding a higher paying job and leaving his exploitative boss in a lurch

Overworked employees are always under-appreciated. They slave every day and pour their hearts into their job but receive little praise, never see a cash bonus, and usually have to watch their boss take all the credit for their work. Wouldn't it be nice if hard work actually equated to success like we were always told?
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company employee boss overworked underpaid reddit malicious-compliance reddit-thread boss bad-boss manager management upper-management quitting quit i-quit notice hardworking hard-work

'They thought I was useless [but] within a week, they were frantically trying to get me to help them': Overworked employee quits his job after being disregarded for months; company scrambles, then retaliates with a baseless lawsuit

Unrequited love is the second-most devastating feeling in human existence. The absolute worst feeling in a person's life is unrequited hard work. Diligent employees with a strong work ethic often get the short end of the stick in their workplace, with countless late nights and at-home data analysis going unnoticed. In this case, OP had picked up the slack in his job, working extra hours and assuming tasks that would help fatten his bosses wallets, but that grind ultimately took a toll...
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Cut my salary in half? Kiss your business goodbye

'Cut my salary in half? Kiss your business goodbye': Boss gives hardworking employee's salary to new worker, employees band together to tank the company

“Red flags start appearing from the very first minute I arrive,” this employee wrote in one jaw-dropping workplace story.
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'Three hours of mandatory OT is requested per week': Employees pushed to work overtime despite already working 10+ hour shifts

'Three hours of mandatory OT is requested per week': Employees pushed to work overtime despite working 10+ hour shifts

Here's a friendly reminder that the words "mandatory" and "requested" do not mean the same thing.
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Top 15+ Cringey Linkedin Fails For Lone Rangers on a Job Hunt

Top 15+ Linkedin Fails For Lone Rangers on a Job Hunt

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management boss happy-employees overworked employees managers workplace work-life balance healthy-work-relationship Reddit - 20285445

'He actively discouraged overwork': People share tips from competent bosses who actually made sure their employees prioritized life over work

You can work and work and work until your fingers bleed and you haven't seen the sun, but you can never by back time with all that money you just earned—IF you even earned that much more money… Usually overtime isn't much, and even if it is, taxes take most of it away later. So are you really working for any sort of extra compensations actually? Or are you giving your employer precious time from your life that they can never repay you? Maybe next time you choose overtime over date night with yo…
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Top Coworker Memes for Underpaid Employees Who Require PTO This Week (April 19, 2023)

Top Coworker Memes for Underpaid Employees Who Require PTO This Week (April 19, 2023)

Understaffed, underpaid, over it
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'[You] told me you would bump it up to $29 in April': Cheap boss takes advantage of overworked employee, dangling a raise over her head and going back on his promises

'[You] told me you would bump it up to $29 in April': Boss goes back on promise to employee by dangling a raise over their head

Negotiating a raise is always a tough conversation. For employees who have a cheapo boss and have been taken advantage of their entire career, it's dang near impossible to get what you deserve when it comes to salary improvement.
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corporate memes millennial misery work humor relatable boss manager overworked underpaid

Funniest Work Memes for Corporate Millennials That Are Underpaid and Overworked

Memes and cold brew keep me sane
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unhinged work memes late-night work-memes work-sucks employee overworked underpaid boss manager coworker meme relatable

Unhinged Work Memes for Underpaid Employees Who Are Hanging by a Thread

There's a split second every morning where fed-up employees weight the pros and cons of being fired if they don't get up. On one hand you lose your livelihood, your bills will stack up, and you'll be considerably more unemployable, but on the other hand, you get to stay in bed for 30 more minutes.
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