out of touch

20+ out-of-touch remarks from entitled wealthy folks: 'How could your family accountant let that happen?'

20+ out-of-touch remarks from entitled wealthy folks: 'How could your family accountant let that happen?'

opinion ask reddit funny stories askreddit oblivious wealthy out of touch funny rich opinions - 37284101

'My house isn't that big, I only have 6 bedrooms': 20+ People who were wildly out of touch with reality

opinion ask reddit karens funny stories finance friends askreddit wealthy entitled family out of touch funny money karen opinions - 35704837

'How am I supposed to live on $300,000 a year?': 20+ Out of touch people who were totally oblivious to their privileged life

'Mid-conversation they filmed a TikTok': 30+ Influencers who act totally different behind the scenes

'Mid-conversation they filmed a TikTok': 30+ Influencers who act totally different behind the scenes

'Millionaire CEO thinks hiring 3 nannies is relatable': 20+ Out of touch people who think they're normal

'Millionaire CEO thinks hiring 3 nannies is relatable': 20+ Out of touch people who think they're normal

'Why don't you just live off of your savings?': 20 out-of-touch comments from bosses, parents, and Karens

'Why don't you just live off of your savings?': 20 out-of-touch comments from bosses, parents, and Karens

'Find a rich boyfriend then': Top 20+ out-of-touch comments made by Karens, bosses, and rich people

'Find a rich boyfriend then': Top 20+ out-of-touch comments made by Karens, bosses, and rich people

reddit thread story work work-drama employee boss management out-of-touch ceo manager supervisor hr coworkers worker birthday pay quit

'It's voluntary, but has a "mandatory" vibe': Temp employee gets harangued for refusing to contribute a $25 donation for his boss's birthday lunch; goes straight to HR

'It only cost me $10,000': 20+ out-of-touch comments made by rich people

'It only cost me $10,000': 20+ out of touch comments made by rich people

out of touch things people said

The Most Absurdly Out Of Touch Things People Have Heard

out of touch people

People Who Were Wildly Out Of Touch With Reality

rich people being out of touch

Twitter Users Describe Their Encounters With Rich People Being Wildly Out Of Touch