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Social worker sacked for complaining to OSHA, still gets paid a salary for 10 years after getting forgotten entirely: ‘They still paid her and she kept quiet’

Karmic payout
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Clever labor worker chastises modern tradesmen who reject safety protocol to seem cool: 'I don't care what your grandpappy used to do... I'm trying to not destroy my lungs'

Right now, many labor guys are strapping young chaps, but after a lifetime of inhaling cement dust, getting harsh chemicals on their skin, and dangling from a high-rise with no safety harness, they will be worse for wear.
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Exploitative boss rips off local teenagers to save $10,000 for a vacation, then gets put in the crosshairs by a furious mom: 'I'm calling the labor department'

There are some trials and tribulations that parents just have to watch their kids go through. Ill-advised bangs, unsightly fashions, and a goofy minimum wage first job are some of the classic ‘trials' that every teenager needs to learn about through experience. But when that goofy part-time job starts becoming exploitative, it's time for Mama Bear's gloves to come off.
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'Deal with it': Foreman puts his contractor's health on the line after denying him proper safety equipment on a hazmat-worthy job site

When you're a contractor working on the job, there are a million hazardous things around you. We've all seen Final Destination, we know what the wood chipper, the table saw, and the open electrical wires are capable of… But what about the less obvious hazards at work?
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'Keep your mouth shut to the people willing to even work there': Employee rage quits and reports his company to OSHA after getting written up for breaking arbitrary ‘rules'

When faced with the dilemma of health and safety concerns in the workplace, employees have to look out for each other– because their boss certainly isn't.
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War-Veteran Mechanic Wins a $400,000 Settlement After Calling His Dirtbag Ex-Boss's Bluff

Not many of us have the financial luxury to sue anybody. Even if we have a case of a hostile workplace or cut wages or unpaid overtime, usually the cost of a lawyer is enough to dissuade us from pursuing justice. Unfortunately, this is how a lot of blue-collar and minimum-wage employees are exploited time and time again... But there are stories of fabled heroes standing up for the little man, where justice prevails and dirtbag bosses get exactly what they deserve.
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work workplace coworker workers employee employees manager boss bosses fired working job company relatable getting-fired wrongful termination terminated osha

'I'm oddly happy': Brave employee is overwhelmingly encouraged after getting wrongfully fired, going viral for rebelling against a toxic workplace

Nobody wants to get fired around the holidays. It's objectively the worst time to lose your source of income and it's also consequently the worst time to find a NEW job. Since everyone's already enjoying their ‘let’s circle back in 2024' season, you're unlikely to get a sit down with the hiring department in any employment position... unless you're interested in retail. For that reason, most workers don't stage a coup against management during the holidays, but in our next story...
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'I fired a guy for trying to drive a scissor lift down the stairs': 25+ Safety watchdogs who were caught off guard

'I fired a guy for trying to drive a scissor lift down the stairs': 25+ Safety watchdogs who were caught off guard by careless companies

Maybe safety measures seem like common knowledge to us, but lots of companies would rather save a few bucks and let their employees take on the risk. That's why there's OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which doles out punishments for workplaces that don't protect their workers. However, OSHA is very understaffed, and there's a lot that slips through the cracks. Have you ever seen videos of demolition workers who are trying to bring down a building by themselves? They wil…
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Industry Pros Reveal 'Dirty Little Secrets' From Work That'll Make You Want to Call OSHA

Working for a company really shows you the ugly underbelly of certain industries. While many of us were grossed out by our first job at ‘that one’ unclean restaurant– the one with the roaches– we all assumed that was just a one-off coincidence and other restaurants, especially high-end ones, would be MUCH cleaner… Oh, we have been so naïve.
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wildfire fire fires wildfires safety protocol malicious-compliance reddit osha work employee supervisor fired construction

'Over 400 hectares [burned]': Arrogant supervisor pushes his railroad workers to bend the rules on safety protocols; starts a raging wildfire, then gets justly fired for negligence

Some people just want to watch the world burn. But when you're the one guy who's only job is to prevent destruction from consuming the job site, that's exactly what you're trying to avoid. For some supervisors, especially the arrogant kind with a ‘i-can-do-no-wrong' attitude, being the safety guy at a construction site doesn't actually mean anything. They just want to trot around, puff their chest, and tell everyone what to do– even if it's the wrong call.
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'If you fall you're fired before you hit the ground': Roofer refuses to do dangerous job 35-feet in the air and gets written up, starts gathering photos for OSHA

'If you fall you're fired before you hit the ground': Roofer refuses to do dangerous job 35-feet in the air and gets written up, starts gathering photos for OSHA

Roofing is an extremely dangerous job that is completely underrated in just how dangerous it is. Roofers are another breed, man. It's not only dangerous because you're literally working on something where if you make one false move or bad step, you could lose the use of your legs. But it is also dangerous because often times they don't even have benefits, pensions, healthcare, etc. It's absolutely absurd. The leading driver for OSHA fines as been the lack of fall protection for several years no…
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'I woke up in an ambulance': Employee barely survives maliciously complying with overly strict water break rules; after heat-stroking, he inflicts epic OSHA revenge on his manager

'You gotta risk it to get the biscuit' may be one of the greatest tropes of all time for risk-takers, go-getters, and people who are known for absolutely sending it. Like the football legends of yore, skydivers on their first solo flight, or the self-proclaimed ‘disruptors’ of the world, this phrase is a basically a commandment. However, what is the proverbial 'biscuit' even worth these days? Is it worth your life?
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Delivery drivers and taco bell haters should read this. I cost taco bell $1000

'Stop being upset at every little tiny thing and bothering managers': Delivery driver's pro revenge results in heavy fine for restaurant

This delivery driver was completely fed up with being put in her place by restaurant staff, so she decided to make a few phone calls to get revenge . Food delivery is a tough job, according to u/dadsabrat, who shared her story on r/ProRevenge. And it's made even more difficult by the whims of restaurant staff and managers , who the OP claims treat her and other drivers disrespectfully. There's not much they can do about it normally, but on this particular day, there was actually a safety concer…
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female electrician shares ignorant things men have said to her on the job

'Why is there a girl here?': Female electrician from Utah shares the eye roll-inducing interactions she's had while working the trade

Trade jobs are needed more than ever. And with more electric powering coming into demand, electricians are one of the trades that are at the top of the list. So why wouldn't women want to become electricians? The main thing probably being that it's extremely male-dominated, and thus riddled with sexist ideologies concerning women working in the trade.
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Funny and relatable memes about working blue collar jobs

Funniest Blue Collar Memes From This Week That Are So Spot-On Only Real Blue Collar Workers Can See the OSHA Violations (September 28, 2022)

I bet you're laughing at these without even wearing your PPE...
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construction worker plumber home-builder blue-collar-memes carpenter tools Memes craftsman lol osha renovator apprentice journeyman hardworking blue collar funny electrician - 17978117

Solid Blue Collar Memes From This Week That Are So Funny They’re Probably Violating Some OSHA Regulation (Sept. 20, 2022)

DON'T violate OSHA; DO laugh to these memes.
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