
'It was amazing, still the best work email I’ve ever received': 20+ Rage-quitters who left their jobs on the spot

'It was amazing, still the best work email I’ve ever received': 20+ Rage-quitters who left their jobs on the spot

'Is that real fire?': Renaissance fair workers reveal the funniest things guests have ever said to them

'Is that real fire?': Renaissance fair workers reveal the funniest things guests have ever said to them

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'Do I look like I set the prices?': 20+ Customer complaints that retail workers never want to hear again

'The crew decided to ride [a roller coaster] after hours': 15 Star employees who got fired instantly

'The crew decided to ride [a roller coaster] after hours': 15 Star employees who got fired instantly

'Bought a head of lettuce and ate it... over the sink': 25+ Single people admit the most uncool meals they've ever concocted

'Bought a head of lettuce and ate it... over the sink': 25+ Single people admit the most uncool meals they've ever concocted

'An entire department quit on the spot': 20+ Workers who quit ASAP thanks to their terrible bosses

'An entire department quit on the spot': 20+ Workers who quit ASAP thanks to their terrible bosses

'There's a bear right behind you': 10+ Delivery drivers share their craziest delivery experiences ever

'There's a bear right behind you': 10+ Delivery drivers share their craziest delivery experiences ever

‘I got to spend the next hour cleaning up 96 broken eggs’: 20+ “I don’t get paid enough for this” moments that made people rethink their jobs

‘I got to spend the next hour cleaning up 96 broken eggs’: 20+ “I don’t get paid enough for this” moments that made people rethink their jobs

'At the age of 11 I received a speeding ticket... on my bike': 20+ Nonsensical reasons people got in big trouble

'At the age of 11 I received a speeding ticket... on my bike': 20+ Nonsensical reasons people got in big trouble

'He believed... he owned the volcano': 25+ Lawyers who took on silly legal cases

'He believed... he owned the volcano': 25+ Lawyers who took on very silly legal cases

'It tasted like milk mixed with the ocean': 25+ Foods that people vowed to never eat again

'It tasted like milk mixed with the ocean': 25+ Foods that people vowed to never eat again

'[She] berated a waitress over the quality of the brie pastry puffs': 15+ Stuck-up people who only care about money

'[She] berated a waitress over the quality of the brie pastry puffs': 15+ Stuck-up people who only care about money

'[They] tried to get sole custody of both of their children...who are in their 20s': 15+ Wild divorce cases

'[They] tried to get sole custody of both of their children...who are in their 20s': 15+ Wild divorce cases

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'I never learned this, just fail me': 20+ AP test proctors who got the funniest papers to grade

'[He] showed up 4 hours late because he "overslept"': 25+ Workers reveal the reasons everyone at their workplace dislikes 'that one colleague'

'[He] showed up 4 hours late because he "overslept"': 25+ Workers reveal the reasons everyone at their workplace dislikes 'that one colleague'

'[He] just wanted to see how many free burgers he could eat before getting canned': 20+ People who couldn't make it through a single day of work before getting fired

'[He] just wanted to see how many free burgers he could eat before getting canned': 20+ People who couldn't make it through a single day of work before getting fired