
'I never thought anyone could actually fall for that': 30+ Empty-headed employees who made the silliest mistakes on the job

'I never thought anyone could actually fall for that': 30+ Empty-headed employees who made the silliest mistakes on the job

'[He] has been fired for stealing pancakes': 30 Foolish reasons workers got fired

'[He] has been fired for stealing pancakes': 30 Foolish reasons workers got fired

opinion ask reddit boss workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace job funny stories bosses work coworkers askreddit relationships toxic-boss workplace funny toxic-work-environment opinions - 24312581

'Actually, I don't need the job anymore': 15+ Times people got to say 'no' for the most satisfying reasons

'I owed them nothing': 15+ 'Final straw' moments that made employees quit on the spot

'I owed them nothing': 15+ 'Final straw' moments that made employees quit on the spot

'This girl told me how incompetent the receptionist was': 30+ Terrible job candidates who shocked their interviewers

'This girl told me how incompetent the receptionist was': 30+ Terrible job candidates who shocked their interviewers

opinion ask reddit workplace-stories-reddit workplace-stories school petty-revenge-reddit funny stories funny story askreddit petty revenge petty workplace funny opinions - 24173573

'She failed them all... they couldn't do a thing about it': 20+ Expert-level petty revenge stories

'My friend got fired... for drinking the sauces': 25+ Baffling reasons workers got fired

'My friend got fired... for drinking the sauces': 25+ Baffling reasons workers got fired

'I was at a loss for words': 20+ Entitled people who acted completely ungrateful

'I was at a loss for words': 20+ Entitled people who acted completely ungrateful

'That's what you get for bragging': 15+ Tales of instant karma

'That's what you get for bragging': 15+ Tales of instant karma

'My yorkie stole an entire block of cheese': 20 Pet owners share the worst things their furry friends have ever done

'My Yorkie stole an entire block of cheese': 20 Pet owners share the worst things their furry friends have ever done

'I get a text when my oven is finished preheating': 15+ Modern gadgets and gizmos that aren't actually very innovative

'I get a text when my oven is finished preheating': 15+ Modern gadgets and gizmos that aren't actually very innovative

'They were trying to peel eggs with a vegetable peeler': 40+ People who were stumped by common household items

'They were trying to peel eggs with a vegetable peeler': 40+ People who were stumped by common household items

'[This] family had a couch in their home's elevator': 20+ Out-of-touch rich kids who got a reality check

'[This] family had a couch in their home's elevator': 20+ Out-of-touch rich kids who got a reality check

'My art teacher confiscated a frying pan': 20+ Teachers who confiscated their student's strangest belongings

'My art teacher confiscated a frying pan': 20+ Teachers who confiscated their student's strangest belongings

'Eating together on a date is awkward and weird': Top Unpopular Opinions of the Week (January 14, 2024)

'Eating together on a date is awkward and weird': Top Unpopular Opinions of the Week (January 14, 2024)

'The entire IT department left': 20+ Dramatic quitters who left their coworkers in shock

'The entire IT department left': 20+ Dramatic quitters who left their coworkers in shock