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I'd Say it's a Bee Cup

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It's 2013, and Somehow Somebody Made This Incredibly Racist Law Commercial

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Having Fun in a Chinese Club. Fun, That's the Word, Right?

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Someone's Going to Have a Good Weekend

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Just Itching For Trouble

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Created by scottydanger

Time to Evaluate Your Life Choices

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Created by Unknown

Take The Entire 43 Sandwich Menu at McDonald's and Stack Them Up, You'll Get the "Everything Burger."

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Your Worst First Date Has Nothing on This

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Please Say "Salad"

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Why Aren't the Kids Flocking to This One?

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"Moreos" Aren't a Real Product Yet, but They Should Be

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The Bacon Weave Choco Taco Will Destroy You, and You'll Probably Love it

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Cosmo Tips are Getting Out of Hand

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I'll Pass

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Love at First Sight?

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It's Going to be a Long Night

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