
oh god why

The Vermont Teddy Bear Company is Selling a "50 Shades" Bear. We're Doomed as a Species.

Via Vermont Teddy Bear

Body Mod of the Day: Guy Cuts Off Nose to Look Like Red Skull

Via Daily Mail

Please Stop With the Suggestions, Facebook

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Created by Unknown

This is KFC's Newest Monstrosity, a Chicken-Wrapped Hot Dog

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Via xryanrussellx
Damn Nature U Scary hippo oh god why Video fail nation g rated - 67998465

Hippos Are Some of the Most Dangerous Animals in the Wild, and This Video Proves it

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You Had Me at "Randy Skinhead"

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Created by Unknown

Someone is Going to be Very Happy With This Awful, Amazing Taxidermy

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Via woodenial

Go Ahead, Give it a Pull

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Via Joanne Casey

Something Tells Me That Wasn't the Intended Purpose of This App

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Via joechapstick

Now in Dolby 7.Hive Surround

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Via TheInvisibleMantra

The Smelliest Surprise

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Via tpolisher

Teen Mom "Reality" Show ""Star"" Farrah Abraham Has Some... Interesting Results From Plastic Surgery

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Via F1abraham

Never Has an Internet Conversation Escalated so Quickly

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Via HomicidalGeek
knife close call oh god why Video - 67720193

How This Incompetent Knife Thrower Didn't Kill His Partner is a Miracle

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Scoop Your Poop, or Get Pooped On

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Via Metro

Just Getting a Sip!

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Via Bits and Pieces

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