
Mechanic bulldozes entire field, taking down army infrastructure after commanding officer orders him to level field 'no matter what'

Mechanic bulldozes entire field, taking down army infrastructure after commanding officer orders him to level field 'no matter what'

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'SIR is reserved for those you respect': Commander demands respect, petty officer tells him he hasn't earned it

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'Yes sir!': Enlisted clerk blamed by officer for another officer's error, gets revenge by following orders

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‘I called their bluff’: Frugal driver saves $80 on a parking ticket by pushing back on the fine print and threatening legal action

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'A tank crew pulling comm wire from the undercarriage': Lieutenant's dumb command gets maliciously complied with to disastrous results

'He had sunken down to his waist in mud': Sergeant gets swamped when he fails to listen to local recruit who knows the lay of the land

'He had sunken down to his waist in mud': Sergeant gets swamped when he fails to listen to local recruit who knows the lay of the land

'You can't park here’: Karen gets citation after demanding deaf woman move car to handicapped space, stating ‘normal’ spots are for non handicapped people

'You can't park here’: Karen gets citation after demanding deaf woman move car to handicapped space, stating ‘normal’ spots are for non handicapped people

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'You need to salute the sticker': Military wife demands enlisted salute her because of husband's officer sticker on her car

'Two beers, no more': Clever thirsty grunts enact malicious compliance to NCO's poorly worded command

'Two beers, no more': Thirsty Marines maliciously comply to officer's poorly worded command

'It was never blocked again': Police officer blocks barista's access to work, decaffeinated Captain gives him a verbal reaming

'It was never blocked again': Police officer blocks barista's driveway, decaffeinated Captain gives him a verbal reaming

Encounter with a wild Karen

'Raging Karen went wild and got herself arrested': Karen accosts driver at intersection and gets her butt kicked

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Microwaved Egg Proves Why It Shan't Be Played With

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Laziest Naval Officer Ever Displays Bold Act of Pure Genius

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Well You See, Officer...

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Liek OMG, Way to Ruin My Day!

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