
office lunch

Coworker lashes out at office Karens after they insult his food at the quarterly potluck: 'You and Tina went halfsies on a single bag of Doritos last quarter'

Coworker lashes out at office Karens after they insult his food at the quarterly potluck: 'You and Tina went halfsies on a single bag of Doritos last quarter'

There are numerous ways to make enemies with your coworkers, but insulting the food they bring to the quarterly office potluck is a new low. This group of Karens was not just picking on their coworker because the food was mediocre; in fact, the food was great and that's partly why they were jealous. Based on the Redditor's account of the story, it seems that they were so jealous of this dude's bean salad that they decided to spread a rumor that only his wife could be the real chef behind the re…
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