
oddly specific

'Teach that girl some manners!’: Grocery store karen offers father daughter duo unwelcome ‘advice’ while they wait in line for checkout, resulting in grocery store face off

'Teach that girl some manners!’: Grocery store karen offers father daughter duo unwelcome ‘advice’ while they wait in line for checkout, resulting in grocery store face off

Some folks enjoy stirring up strife and mayhem. We all know who these folks are, even though it may sound harsh. However, what do you do if you encounter those people? Do you give in so as to avoid a confrontation, or do you approach the Karen head-on with courage and confidence? The story that follows relates to the account of a clever father who decides to confront the grocery store Karen directly. The Original Poster (OP) had visited a grocery store with his baby daughter. To pass the time w…
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'You owe me...': Mother demands 18-year-old daughter pay her back $700,000 for expensive upbringing

'You owe me...': Mother demands 18-year-old daughter pay her back $700,000 for expensive upbringing

Typically, parents want to give their kids everything they could possibly want—or, more precisely, everything they need to be successful and happy. But what if your parents kept a record of every single expense they ever incurred on your behalf? Do you have to pay them back, or are they supposed to shoulder the cost of your upbringing? The account that follows is the story of an astonished girl. On her eighteenth birthday, the Original Poster (OP) received a lengthy and detailed document detail…
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'Sleep well, dude': Man leaves loud neighbor with parting gift after long standing neighborly dispute

'Sleep well, dude': Man leaves loud neighbor with parting gift after long standing neighborly dispute

Your neighbors are your closest allies. They can assist with receiving packages, impart insightful information about the surrounding area, keep a watchful eye on your home, and much more. However, should misfortune find you and you are forced to live next door to a horrible person who has been a headache since the minute she arrived, do you participate in her little game of torment or do you cave into all of her absurd requests in an attempt to keep things at bay? The Original Poster (OP) recen…
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‘I don’t get paid enough for this…’: Hotel employee cheerfully kicks childish guest from the premises after guest tries to smash glass entry door

‘I don’t get paid enough for this…’: Hotel employee cheerfully kicks childish guest from the premises after guest tries to smash glass entry door

Occasionally, it's that one tiny, unimportant incident that drives you over the edge and beyond the point of no return. The story that follows recounts the moment a front desk receptionist witnesses a complete and total meltdown of a person caused by a blocked door. The Original Poster's (OP) account details his meeting with the most horrible man-child. OP was working the front desk when a man, his mother, and their two kids pulled into the hotel parking lot. The two ports of entry that are acc…
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Soccer coach cleverly complies with opposing team's demands, resulting in his team playing the entire season on the better field

Soccer coach cleverly complies with opposing team's demands, resulting in his team playing the entire season on the better field

Communication is the secret to success. Communication is the key to finding solutions for many issues. The story that follows shows how effective communication can, in certain situations, result in an early issue diagnosis. Below is the account of a pleased youth soccer team coach. OP recalls participating in the municipal recreation league a few years back. There were two fields accessible at the time: one was a large, well-kept, very distant field with enough seating for parents watching thei…
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Traveler forced to unpack every single box after customs officer cleverly complies with his demands to 'proceed by the book'

Traveler forced to unpack every single box after customs officer cleverly complies with his demands to 'proceed by the book'

Have you ever heard the expression, ‘You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar'? The best example of what this statement signifies is found in the story that follows. OP establishes the scenario at the beginning of the story. OP is employed by the customs department. As such, a great deal of the day's events hinge on whether those who cross the border assist border patrol agents in carrying out their duties or make their life more difficult by disobeying them. The story begins wi…
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'That's $180 of my hard-earned money': Man's car gets towed by company looking to make some extra cash, he settles the score by paying the full amount with one dollar bills

'That's $180 of my hard-earned money': Man's car gets towed by company looking to make some extra cash, he settles the score by paying the full amount with one dollar bills

The twenty-first century is known for its constant stream of technological advancement. The fact that we can now fit everything we need into one technological device—our phones—is one of the biggest shifts in our daily lives. The story below is an account of an individual who got his car towed for no apparent reason. It is a freezing winter's day when the story begins. OP saw that snow had been piling up all night when he woke up bright and early. After giving it some thought, he decided that t…
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'Face it, you lost': Chief navigator's new phone policy on sea vessel backfires after one soldier plays the system, resulting in crew losing access to outside communication

'Face it, you lost': Chief navigator's new phone policy on sea vessel backfires after one soldier plays the system, resulting in crew losing access to outside communication

When a new team member joins, particularly if they are assigned a leadership position, they will probably try to introduce some sort of new and, in their view, creative rule that will simplify the assigned tasks and improve the overall efficiency and productivity of the daily routine. The soldier in the story below, together with his fellow crew members, have discovered the most effective way to get revenge on their superiors. OP serves in the Navy as a member of the attack submarine unit. They…
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‘Yes, sir!’: Manager demands team leader motivate an overqualified employee to do boring tasks, so team leader motivates him to quit

‘Yes, sir!’: Manager demands team leader motivate an overqualified employee to do boring tasks, so team leader motivates him to quit

There are unwritten rules and workplace politics in the corporate world that you have to abide by if you want to keep your job. The story that follows is from a tech consulting company's team lead. OP was in charge of two teams, each consisting of three members, for a total of six persons. OP was given a project at the time that required the assistance of all six members of his team. The company decided against pursuing new, cutting-edge technology in favor of sticking with what they knew in or…
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'You reap what you sow': Resident trashes neighbor's garden, neighbor returns the favor with an upgrade, planting bamboo to overrun their property

'You reap what you sow': Resident trashes neighbor's garden, neighbor returns the favor with an upgrade, planting bamboo to overrun their property

We look forward to the time when we can afford to live alone. At last, we have space, privacy, and a plethora of other wonderful amenities that we wouldn't have believed possible in our twenties. But as we usually emphasize here, maintaining a cordial relationship with your neighbors is crucial. Lousy neighbors have the power to either make or break an apartment complex experience. However, what would happen if your neighbor considered your garden to be their own private dump? Is it possible to…
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‘You’ve made your bed so lie in it’: Art student gets even with teacher after being picked on for 6 months, her entire class gets rearranged

‘You’ve made your bed so lie in it’: Art student gets even with teacher after being picked on for 6 months, her entire class gets rearranged

There will always be those who believe we are gifted and capable of achieving success in life, and there will always be others who think we will never amount to anything worthwhile. The secret to success is to never give up and to never allow someone to bring you down. The story that follows is from a frustrated student. OP has been studying to teach art. As part of his training, he must work as an assistant to a senior faculty art teacher for six months. Although OP was ecstatic to have the op…
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'Pay up': Client refuses to pay catering service, leaving company with $2000 expenses, client demands they cater another event

'Pay up': Client refuses to pay catering service, leaving company with $2000 expenses, client demands they cater another event

The food sector is fast-paced, exact, competitive, inventive, and, let's face it, merciless. Like any industry, there are benefits as well as drawbacks. Still, do you think it's a field worth getting into? Below is the tale of a caterer who can meet a wide range of dietary needs. As a result, the majority of the customers they serve ask for professionally prepared menu items. The business was doing well and everything was going smoothly until one day a new customer, a group that supports food a…
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 ‘To say the house smelt worse than a tin of cat food was an understatement’: Exasperated man gives untidy roommate a taste of her own medicine, roommate moves out

‘To say the house smelt worse than a tin of cat food was an understatement’: Exasperated man gives untidy roommate a taste of her own medicine, roommate moves out

When living in one flat with several roommates its is so important to keep a somewhat pleasant environment in the household. To keep the peace, there are a few thumb rules that everyone should know before moving in with someone else. The first rule of thumb would be never to take your roommate's belonging with out their permission (even if you are just ‘borrowing’ it). The second rule would be to always clean up after yourself. And lastly, well, when ‘entertaining’, always let the others know t…
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'You asked for this...': Employee gets caught between upper management and supervisors, leading to clever compliance to end their power trip

'You asked for this...': Employee gets caught between upper management and supervisors, leading to clever compliance to end their power trip

Hierarchy is the cornerstone of the business world. There will always be subordinates and superiors in the organization based on seniority and experience. But what would happen if you were caught in the middle of an argument, or perhaps a more accurate description, an ego clash, between two of your managers? Well, the story below is an account of a dissatisfied store salesperson. OP has worked at a single shop for the past six months. Six months is a century in the retail industry, particularly…
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‘Free laundry it is…’: Tenant settles the score with entitled landlord after landlord refuses to fix flat and continues to charge a monthly maintenance fee

‘Free laundry it is…’: Tenant settles the score with entitled landlord after landlord refuses to fix flat and continues to charge a monthly maintenance fee

It's critical that you and your landlord get along. Maintaining a positive relationship with your landlord could make or break the rest of your stay at that specific apartment complex. But what if, in spite of all your hard efforts, your landlord still considers you offensive? In the story below, a furious tenant recounts how he's devised the perfect scheme to exact revenge on his entitled landlord. For context, let me say that OP and his partner recently moved into a new apartment building, bu…
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'He lost big time!': Manager fires employee following prolonged illness, employee sues employer and wins the case

'He lost big time!': Manager fires employee following prolonged illness, employee sues employer and wins the case

Arrogance is the worst trait a person can have for a number of reasons. Life is dynamic; you can be at the top one day and the bottom the next. It's important to always be humble and treat others with kindness since success is relative as opposed to absolute. The story below is an account of an employee who overcame the system. Due to an injury, OP has been released from his present role. According to the terms of the employment contract, the hiring company has the legal right to terminate the…
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