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'I 'walked off' a broken back as a kid': 21 Tough-as-nails Gen Xers share the craziest injuries they 'walked off'

Gen X is built different.
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Painter's unpaid labor sparks three-day client call frenzy, resulting in thousand-dollar phone bill

Painter's unpaid labor sparks three-day client call frenzy, resulting in thousand-dollar phone bill

Never underestimate the impact of a diligent but disgruntled worker. Having said that, what would you do if, after working hard for a few hours, the person tasked with paying your bills came back and made a crude comment about how bad your job was and how you didn't even deserve the minimum wage? The following story tells the tale of a resentful painter. The original poster (OP) claims that he exacted revenge on a client in the 1990s who didn't appreciate his commitment to excellence or the ext…
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'That knee injury is going to come back to haunt you': 31 Elder Millennials lay down the facts of aging for younger generations

20-year-olds feel like they're invincible. Free of the shackles of their parent's rules and setting off into the world on their own, it's tough to fight the god complex that comes with your 20s. You're young, you're healthy, and you've got your whole life ahead of you! But guess what, your mid-life crisis is just around the corner…
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Elder Millennial wrestles with the idea of starting a family at 38 years old, receives wholesome advice from other 'geriatric' parents happy they waited: 'Kids make you feel young'

Having kids changes everything in your life. The gravity of raising a tiny human from birth alters a parent's brain chemistry, changes their priorities, and enriches their life in every way–but what if you're not ready for all of that until you're older?
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Happy Gen Xer rejoices after witnessing a group of bicycle kids who actually enjoy playing outside: 'This was the most mid-1980s thing ever'

Nostalgia can strike at any moment, but for a Gen X dude who hasn't seen kiddos playing outside in decades, the feels hit strongest when he sees a pile of bicycles on a neighborhood lawn.
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'I'm old now': 25 Moments when Gen X and elder Millennials comprehended their advanced maturity

"When I started sympathizing with the parents in teen movies"
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Gen X imparts valuable advice they wish they'd known as a youngster: 'Too much partying, not enough traveling'

Shoulda, coulda, woulda…
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21 Gen X Memes and Tweets That Tell It Like It Is

21 Gen X Memes and Tweets That Tell It Like It Is

Apparently, Gen Z is saying “Everclear” is the drink of the summer… So who's gonna tell them?
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A Time Capsule of 28 Nostalgic Memes to Transport 80s Kids Back to an Era Before Cell Phones

Simpler times
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‘She recorded herself crying’: Gen X Share Their Thoughts on Gen Z in Entertaining Thread

‘She recorded herself crying’: Gen X Share Their Thoughts on Gen Z in Entertaining Thread

I grew up in the '80s and '90s, and life back then was… simpler. Technology didn't rule every aspect of our existence, and social media was just a sci-fi dream. Gen Z on the other hand… Well, they're practically being raised by their smartphones. I definitely admire their spirit to talk back, stand up for themselves, and change social norms, but they're also showing serious signs of communication issues, are overly sensitive, and have the attention span of a goldfish. Plus, they document everyt…
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22 Time-Tested Tech Devices That Are 'Obsolete' But Still Surprisingly Useful

Back in Magellan's days, there was a tech device for everything. A sundial could tell you the time, a compass could help you get to where you're going, and an abacus could help you solve algebraic math problems. Imagine telling a 16th-century peasant that a pocket-sized, shining rectangular device could do all of that (and more), while resting in the palm of your hand– Mind-blowing!
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'We had free pizzas weekly for years...': 30+ Loopholes that people exploited to their own betterment

We're all just barely getting by in this world; every day is an uphill battle with no summit in sight. It would be nice to ease that burden a little, but we honest and simple folk probably won't ever have the chance to take advantage of any egregious loopholes in order to get well ahead of everyone else—and probably wouldn't anyway, due to how unethical they are… Undoubtedly, we'd all appreciate something to make our lives a little bit easier. Occasionally, though, a chance presents itself to e…
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'Mustaches everywhere': 25+ Nostalgic throwbacks that were totally cool in 2013, but now make us cringe

Do the Harlem shake
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'Mew under the truck': 30+ Gamers share their favorite pre-internet gaming rumors

The internet has been around for a while now, and there's a lot of information—far too much, really—readily available at our fingertips that once might have been a bit more difficult to find. When it comes to video games, a lot of knowledge is spread through word of mouth. You might try for days to solve a certain puzzle or figure out the trick to a certain boss fight. Sometimes, this could get frustrating, but finding the answer always felt extremely rewarding.
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'AM Transistor radios from Radio Shack': 25 Old things people miss from the pre-internet era

'AM transistor radios from Radio Shack': 25 Old things people miss from the pre-internet era

What do you miss most from the days before the internet's glowing screens took up all our time? It turns out that lots of people have things they're nostalgic for! As numerous Twitter users shared , starting with @ThatEricAlper's prompt tweet, people miss everything from getting catalogues in the mail to being harder to get in contact with. I still recall the days of having to travel to a library if I wanted to use a computer. We just didn't have a computer at our house at the time, and cell ph…
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30 Memes that '70s and '80s kids will remember from way back when

30 Memes that '70s and '80s kids will remember from way back when

Gen X grew up spending their days outdoors. They also had a lot of cool tech back then, like cassette tapes , that just aren't popular anymore. Now that music is on everyone's phones and computers, no one needs a separate device made just for music. That's certainly something that many of us look back on wistfully. Playgrounds are another of those Gen X legends that almost seem too crazy to be true. Photos of the playgrounds from back them make them seem dangerous! Playgrounds just get safer an…
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