new parents

‘[My] stepson would be inheriting’: Father feels betrayed after he finds out his kids knew about their mother's affair and cuts them out of his will, the internet disapproves

‘[My] stepson would be inheriting’: Father feels betrayed after he finds out his kids knew about their mother's affair and cuts them out of his will, the internet disapproves

'[Today] MIL just blew all of her chances of being a grandma': Mother-in-law throws tantrum after being told she's going to be a grandmother, couple decides to go ‘no contact’ with her

'[Today] MIL just blew all of her chances of being a grandma': Mother-in-law throws tantrum after being told she's going to be a grandmother, couple decides to go ‘no contact’ with her

‘He was a kid so it is what it is, [but] the mom…': Uninvited mom keeps allowing her kid to steal candy from a private 1-year-old's birthday party, parent's slam door in her face

‘He was a kid so it is what it is, [but] the mom…': Uninvited mom keeps allowing her kid to steal candy from a private 1-year-old's birthday party, parent's slam door in her face

‘I get a rush when I “lose” the things’: New mom gets treated like trash by mother-in-law, so she secretly donates every baby gift her MIL gives

‘I get a rush when I “lose” the things’: New mom gets treated like trash by mother-in-law, so she secretly donates every baby gift her MIL gives

aita reddit wife husband married new parents parenting parent story reddit revenge reddit-thread parenting-fail fail petty revenge story

New mom sabotages her husband's gaming tournament after he refuses to help care for their newborn: 'Step up and be a parent too'

'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

‘She went ballistic’: Karen HOA President thinks SAHM neighbor is her free nanny, gets shamed in the middle of the street

‘She went ballistic’: Karen HOA President thinks SAHM neighbor is her free nanny, gets shamed in the middle of the street

‘Rip the bandaid off’: Husband denies scandalous offer from sister-in-law but doesn't know how to tell his pregnant wife about her sibling's betrayal, internet provides helpful advice

‘Rip the bandaid off’: Husband denies scandalous offer from sister-in-law but doesn't know how to tell his pregnant wife about her sibling's betrayal, internet provides helpful advice

‘He’s a tyrant who lacks discipline': Woman yells at her friend when their spoiled 4-year-old throws wife's wedding ring out of the window, gets shamed by friend group

‘He’s a tyrant who lacks discipline': Woman yells at her friend when their spoiled 4-year-old throws wife's wedding ring out of the window, gets shamed by friend group

‘It sent me over the edge': Employee returns after maternity leave just to quit and put in her 30-day notice, other mothers show support and share their own rage-quit stories

‘It sent me over the edge': Employee returns after maternity leave just to quit and put in her 30-day notice, other mothers show support and share their own rage-quit stories

‘A little motherly malicious compliance never hurt anyone': New mom gets back at relentless MIL who keeps waking up the baby during nap time

‘A little motherly malicious compliance never hurt anyone': New mom gets back at relentless MIL who keeps waking up the baby during nap time


'The best customers I've had in weeks were kids': Longtime servers share memorable moments of kids outshining the adults as ideal customers

reddit, petty-revenge, r-pettyrevenge, failblog, mom-revenge, 8-months-pregnant, parking-spot-fued

‘I was so fed up’: Guy keeps parking in spot designated for woman who is 8 months pregnant, HOA doesn't allow towing him, so mom-to-be takes matters into her own hands

'Your two hellspawns just fell? I guess they had it coming': Mothers and service industry employees band together to rant about parents who allow their kids to misbehave in restaurants

'Your two hellspawns just fell? I guess they had it coming': Mothers and service industry employees band together to rant about parents who allow their kids to misbehave in restaurants

AITA: 'I evicted them': Landlord evicts young couple with baby following noise complaints from neighbors, gives them 30 days to move

AITA: 'I evicted them': Landlord evicts young couple with baby following noise complaints from neighbors, gives them 30 days to move

Man considers canceling engagement after fiancée's sister destroys all his lego sculptures

Reddit Review 'AITA': Man Kicks Out Fiancée's "Troubled Teen" Sister From Their Home After She Purposefully Destroys Two of His Lego Sculptures

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