
new parents

‘I get a rush when I “lose” the things’: New mom gets treated like trash by mother-in-law, so she secretly donates every baby gift her MIL gives

‘I get a rush when I “lose” the things’: New mom gets treated like trash by mother-in-law, so she secretly donates every baby gift her MIL gives

Need a quick and easy way to stick-it to your mother-in-law? Well, here ya go!
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New mom sabotages her husband's gaming tournament after he refuses to help care for their newborn: 'Step up and be a parent too'

Parenting is a two-person job. While there are excellent single parents out there, caring for a newborn often requires the waking attention of two fully attentive adults, which is why having children can make or break a relationship. When new parents reach a boiling point, things can go south very quickly.
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'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

“You and your kid delivered a perfect revenge served a la hot potato. The ex got a rotten surprise that matched her insides.”
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‘She went ballistic’: Karen HOA President thinks SAHM neighbor is her free nanny, gets shamed in the middle of the street

‘She went ballistic’: Karen HOA President thinks SAHM neighbor is her free nanny, gets shamed in the middle of the street

Karens can be moms too…
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‘Rip the bandaid off’: Husband denies scandalous offer from sister-in-law but doesn't know how to tell his pregnant wife about her sibling's betrayal, internet provides helpful advice

‘Rip the bandaid off’: Husband denies scandalous offer from sister-in-law but doesn't know how to tell his pregnant wife about her sibling's betrayal, internet provides helpful advice

Family dynamics can be weird, even the ones you marry into.
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‘He’s a tyrant who lacks discipline': Woman yells at her friend when their spoiled 4-year-old throws wife's wedding ring out of the window, gets shamed by friend group

‘He’s a tyrant who lacks discipline': Woman yells at her friend when their spoiled 4-year-old throws wife's wedding ring out of the window, gets shamed by friend group

How a parent disciplines their child is unique to each family, and you must respect that. A child has to learn what is kind and what is unkind, and what is socially acceptable and not—that is the importance of discipline.
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‘It sent me over the edge': Employee returns after maternity leave just to quit and put in her 30-day notice, other mothers show support and share their own rage-quit stories

‘It sent me over the edge': Employee returns after maternity leave just to quit and put in her 30-day notice, other mothers show support and share their own rage-quit stories

In this case, the support of a loving husband can only go so far. It's greatly appreciated and needed, but he has never been in your shoes. Luckily, the internet is here to connect anybody with support from others who have been exactly where you are!
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‘A little motherly malicious compliance never hurt anyone': New mom gets back at relentless MIL who keeps waking up the baby during nap time

‘A little motherly malicious compliance never hurt anyone': New mom gets back at relentless MIL who keeps waking up the baby during nap time

There are many new routines you have to get used to when you have a new baby in your life. Your sleeping schedule, eating, traveling, working, and, well, everything. A baby is completely helpless and you have to basically do everything for it. So of course that is going to change your life completely. New parents are made aware of this these days and know that they are making a life-altering decision by having a kid. And mothers who were never warned about this and had to figure it out as they…
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'The best customers I've had in weeks were kids': Longtime servers share memorable moments of kids outshining the adults as ideal customers

Kids get a bad reputation in the service industry. However, anyone who has ever worked at a family restaurant know the truth—it's always the parents. Kids will be kids, we all know that, and it's up to the parents or guardians to teach their kids how to behave. So when an adult allows their tiny human to run around a restaurant like it's their personal playroom, of course everyone working there is going to be annoyed. Other than the fact that it's a real danger for your kid to be doing that whi…
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reddit, petty-revenge, r-pettyrevenge, failblog, mom-revenge, 8-months-pregnant, parking-spot-fued

‘I was so fed up’: Guy keeps parking in spot designated for woman who is 8 months pregnant, HOA doesn't allow towing him, so mom-to-be takes matters into her own hands

Everyone knows not to upset a pregnant woman. Even if you don't know, you should be able to deduce from the state that woman is in that you need to be extra careful around her. It's a common thing in many species, not just humans, that a pregnant mama-to-be will mess you up if you cross her. A very real example is this Reddit story . This mom-to-be was pregnant in the height of heat during the summer days. She had a designated parking spot in front of her townhouse so she wouldn't have to walk…
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'Your two hellspawns just fell? I guess they had it coming': Mothers and service industry employees band together to rant about parents who allow their kids to misbehave in restaurants

'Your two hellspawns just fell? I guess they had it coming': Mothers and service industry employees band together to rant about parents who allow their kids to misbehave in restaurants

There are many different kinds of nightmares that can happen while working in the service industry. One that is a guarantee you will encounter while working in a restaurant is a family who allows their kids to run wild while they dine. This is a nightmare on so many different levels. For one, if you work in the the restaurant, an unchaperoned child running around like they own the place can be very dangerous. There are servers, busers, and all kinds of employees running around a restaurant and…
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AITA: 'I evicted them': Landlord evicts young couple with baby following noise complaints from neighbors, gives them 30 days to move

AITA: 'I evicted them': Landlord evicts young couple with baby following noise complaints from neighbors, gives them 30 days to move

A landlord took to Reddit, asking their opinion on the fact he evicted new parents, giving them only 30 days to skedaddle. His reasoning was that their new baby made a lot of noise, and the neighbors had begun to complain. Is it insensitive? Yes. Is it illegal? We would think so, but apparently, he doesn't live in the US, and stated that it was actually completely legal for him to do so, as it landed under some sort of ‘noise pollution’ category. Babies are noisy creatures, duh. They cry, babbl…
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Man considers canceling engagement after fiancée's sister destroys all his lego sculptures

Reddit Review 'AITA': Man Kicks Out Fiancée's "Troubled Teen" Sister From Their Home After She Purposefully Destroys Two of His Lego Sculptures

When you ask someone to marry them, you are also asking to be 100% part of their life. That means through the ups AND the downs. But sometimes those downs could be more than you bargained for...
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Just So We're Clear

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Something Funny for Those Dark, Stinky Moments

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Via Do It and How

Took Long Enough

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Via The Stay at Homer

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