
pro revenge new-manager workplace-stories toxic-workplace manager work workplace story - 21980165

'It cost the casino anywhere between $250k-500k': Casino manager makes workers stay after shift to work unpaid hours, costs company big in massive payout

'I smiled the entire drive home after that': Grocery store clerk of 11 years stops new management in their tracks when attempting to flex authority

'I smiled the entire drive home after that': Grocery store clerk of 11 years stops new management in their tracks when attempting to flex authority

‘I was fired on the spot’: Top Reddit Stories of Employees Getting Fired

‘I was fired on the spot’: Top Reddit Stories of Employees Getting Fired

management new-manager workplace-stories toxic-workplace work coworkers i quit discussion quit workplace quitting - 21528581

'What can we do to get you to stay?': New manager tells worker they're useless, begs them to stay when they quit

'I was instructed to stay at my desk, so I did' Company crumbles due to drop in production following boss's orders for employees to ‘stay at their desk’ in uniform, despite being short-staffed

'I was instructed to stay at my desk, so I did': Boss orders employees to ‘stay at their desk’ in uniform, company crumbles due to drop in production

'I got a disciplinary hearing; he got fired': New manager made redundant following absurd orders he gave employee

'I got a disciplinary hearing; he got fired': New manager made redundant following absurd orders he gave employee

‘From now on, you punch in your work hours!’ : New manager attempts to deduce hardworking employee's salary, employee maliciously complies, leading to 30% raise due to overtime pay

‘From now on, you punch in your work hours!’ : New manager attempts to deduce hardworking employee's salary, employee maliciously complies, leading to 30% raise due to overtime pay

'I confronted my manager, and began to formulate my plan...' : Employee Learns She Will Be Fired and Replaced Following Office Gossip, Company’s Plans for New Position Fall Through, Leading to Immediate Petty Revenge

'I confronted my manager, and began to formulate my plan...' : Employee Learns She Will Be Fired and Replaced Following Office Gossip, Company’s Plans for New Position Fall Through, Leading to Immediate Petty Revenge

‘You know, the policy YOU created when you got called out by Head Office for not properly handling my scheduled early shift’ : New Boss Loses Her Own Petty Game Following Employee's Malicious Compliance

‘You know, the policy YOU created when you got called out by Head Office for not properly handling my scheduled early shift’ : New Boss Loses Her Own Petty Game Following Employee's Malicious Compliance