
new employee

20+ Employees Share Their Most Ridiculous 'First Day' Stories and Interview Nightmares From Their Job Hunting Era

20+ Employees Share Their Most Ridiculous First Day Stories and Interview Nightmares From Their Job-Hunting Era

As if the job market isn't daunting enough, you're most likely also going to experience some pretty absurd interviews and downright bananas first days…
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‘I’m not proving my value, bye': Tenured team member told by boss he needs to become a manager to get a raise, despite being paid $40,000 under market value

‘I’m not proving my value, bye': Tenured team member told by boss he needs to become a manager to get a raise, despite being paid $40,000 under market value

What will it take for managers to wake up? Do all their most experienced employees need to walk out the door for them to agree to a raise? Getting ahead with inflation today is hard, but companies are making it so much harder by underpaying you and expecting you to just take it. Well, let's collectively say ‘no more’ to silence, because this is getting ridiculous. One employee was working at a manufacturing company, making way less than his coworkers. He was frustrated after he saw other people…
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'[My boss] never called past 5 p.m. again:' Banker uses the time difference to his advantage to make his boss respect his work hours

'[My boss] never called past 5 p.m. again:' Banker uses the time difference to his advantage to make his boss respect his work hours

Many businesses depend on international deals and teams. It's exciting to get other cultures and markets into your business. But it's not easy. There are many factors you have to consider, one of the most obvious ones being the time differences. It's unprofessional to call your employees after working hours, but for some reasons many bosses and managers think that it's okay to call you after work hours, because in their time zone it's still work hours. Work hours. Work hours. Work hours. Like,…
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'Won’t give me a raise, enjoy replacing me and the people I poach': Restaurant employee gets denied a 10% raise, quits and takes all of the best employees with him

'Won’t give me a raise, enjoy replacing me and the people I poach': Restaurant employee gets denied a 10% raise, quits and takes all of the best employees with him

If you have ever worked in the service industry then you know that the best part of it are your coworkers. You all trauma-bond and get super tight when you have to deal with all the Karens and entitled customers. Literally, I'll never forget having to quit my restaurant that I had all throughout college, it felt like I was breaking up with someone I still loved. But managers in restaurants know that their staff tends to come and go, so if it's a healthy workplace, they'll be excited for your ne…
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‘My boss made me work 13 hours without a break': Employee quits job without giving notice, then drives 9 hours back home

‘My boss made me work 13 hours without a break': Employee quits job without giving notice, then drives 9 hours back home

Often when hearing of a good job opportunity, people are on their best behavior, hoping that they'll pass the interview. After they get the job, the pretty picture that the company carefully curated begins to crumble, leaving a gaping black hole behind the velvet curtains that turn out to be a prop. In this case, OP was convinced by a friend to drive 9 hours for a new job that sounded at first like a ‘good gig’. It took OP exactly 3.5 days to realize that something was very off about their boss…
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