
Be nice to your neighbors, you never want to end up in a feud. From Hatfield and McCoy's to Karen and Kyle and every other lovely person you could meet, it's best to make cookies, not war.

Jerk ruins people's mailboxes, so dad builds an invincible mailbox | r/ProRevenge Join u/aCertainTechnician 1d 1 1 1 1 Redneck thinks 's funny yank out mailboxes. My Dad makes him pay. Disclaimer: This happened LONG time ago, but still makes giggle this day. So way back day (mid 90's or so) my family lived log cabin on 10 acres land rural area 10 minutes or so out town wasn't totally sticks, but could definitely hear banjo music background sometimes.

Jerk Vandalizes Mailboxes, Dad Builds Invincible Mailbox

Guy keeps parking on land so the owner charges him for it | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/TboneXXIV 2 days ago 2 2 3 can't park there. Ok can, but will cost oc M My parents had this problem with guy parking tractor trailer on their land. He lives right across one their pecan groves grove has well spaced trees all neat rows grass is mowed super short ground is really flat looks like an ideal place pull rig if don't know better.

Guy Keeps Parking on Property, So Owner Starts Charging Him

Neighbors go full petty on guy, so he proceeds to tow in his revenge. | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/SleepNowMyThrowaway 1y Yes understand 's public street; now, let's learn difference between legality and civility, ok? This happened summer 2016 my wife and moved into our new home on tree lined, brick street. Nice neighborhood but nothing fancy. Blue collar, working men and women.

Neighbors Go Full Petty, Guy Tows In Pro Revenge

Entitled neighbor's own plan goes on to backfire against them | r/pettyrevenge JOIN u/DarkLord Tofer 10h Hoisted by his own petard This started as comment on another thread but realised good petty revenge so l've given its own post used live road with street parking on one side only, not side lived. Some people had driveways and not everyone had car so there plenty room parking within couple houses where lived could park on my side if went half on path but made life hard buses (one each way ever

Entitled Neighbor Tastes His Own Medicine

Karen makes neighborhood miserable, so she proceeds to get fined, and goes bankrupt | r/NuclearRevenge Join u/gustavotherecliner 332d told this belonged here. Bitch tries destroy my orchard destroy her life. Sorry, might get bit long. TL;DR at bottom. Well, lets start few years past. My great grandparents planted an orchard is now at least 120 years old. My grandparents and my parents were really proud peach trees growing and did their best keep them good health and well always threw big party p

Karen Makes Neighborhood Miserable, Gets Fined, Goes Bankrupt

Guy watches his neighbors argue while he eats a bag of popcorn | r/tifu JOIN u/captainjawz 208d 1 TIFU by watching my neighbours fight while eating popcorn. So l'm bit soccer fan, and today two big local teams had game, so naturally watching match on my living room little did know there another match going on my neighbours house. About ten minutes into my game started hearing screams coming house across street.

Man Eats Popcorn While Watching Lovers' Quarrel Outside

Rude neighbor builds driveway on couple's property without permission | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/diypackraft 2y Build driveway across someone else's property without permission? Pay price. Not sure if this is "pro" enough, but here goes visiting my friend at his dad's house an area where land is so steep all driveways have switchback up main road houses straight driveway is not an option because would be steeper than building code allows.

Neighbor Builds Driveway On Couple's Property, Revenge Follows

A rude and loud neighbor gets frozen out of her apartment | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/YouMightKnowMeMate 5h 1 1 froze my psycho neighbor out her apartment college, my two friends and decided find place together off-campus found beautiful three- bedroom house with surprisingly affordable rent basement house listed as separate apartment, but as had separate entrance and indoor stairwell had been blocked off weren't worried. And thermostat upstairs.

Psycho Neighbor Gets Frozen Out Of Apartment

HOA tries to force homeowner to remove their trampoline, they get removed from board instead | r/ProRevenge u/hi_internet_friend 1y JOIN HOA board tries force remove my trampoline get them removed board instead put trampoline my backyard early 2017 have three young boys and have enjoyed immensely. My neighbor HOA president at time, went sell his house spring 2018 and his realtor said trampoline my backyard might be detriment getting top dollar his home. So he convinced neighbor on other side my

HOA Board Members Try To Remove Homeowner's Trampoline

Canadian takes revenge on his loud and rude neighbor with a frozen trash can | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/[deleted 1y 1 3 3 Revenge is best served frozen don't own car and live at end cul-de-sac have people use my driveway all time turn around s not huge deal little annoying they compact snow and 's harder shovel but whatever.One my neighbours had ride service come pick up their child every day van would park my spot and begin honking at like 8am worked nights at time half time he'd be half parked on

Canadian Takes Revenge On Neighbor With Frozen Trash Can

Neighbors ruin a family's fence, so the dad installs a concrete fence, and multiple cars get wrecked | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/MihaM12 1y 1 1 3 2 Neighbors ran over our fence. Dad installed concrete fence wrecked 8 their cars saw crazy neighbor stories and now bring my father's stuck my memory. English is not my first language and hope didn't make many spelling mistakes. TI;dr at bottom

Neighbors Ruin Family's Fence, Dad Installs Concrete Fence, Cars Get Wrecked

Funny and frustrating moments from neighbors on community board Next Door | Apologies anyone who might have just witnessed lady running down an alley her underwear yelling Bologna My doggy escaped PANICKED

Funny and Frustrating Next Door Moments from Neighbors

Guy takes a hilarious petty revenge on a neighbor during a laundry room drama | TheFiredrake42 Laundry revenge lived shitty apartment complex few years ago actually had two decent onsite laundry buildings. Each one had 15 washers and 15 dryers. Considering usually there alone or maybe with one other person, this definitely overkill but no one could ever complain about there not being enough machines us use.

Guy Takes Ultimate Petty Revenge In Laundry Room Drama

Man offers a woman $5 a meal for her cooking, and people on Reddit label him creepy.

Man Offers Woman $5 A Meal For Her Cooking, People Call Him Creepy

Guy accidentally burns down neighbor's fence. They get greedy, take him to court, and ultimately get humbled by judge in court.

Guy Accidentally Burns Down Neighbor's Fence, They Get Humbled In Court

temper loss on the camera

Hot Headed Neighbor Gets Caught Losing His Temper On Camera