
Be nice to your neighbors, you never want to end up in a feud. From Hatfield and McCoy's to Karen and Kyle and every other lovely person you could meet, it's best to make cookies, not war.

neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor - 21774341

'They shut up very quickly': Dude gets revenge on partying neighbors by recording and playing their gossiping conversations back to them

‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

'Neighbors want us to alter our property': Karen builds gaudy 3+ story house, complains that she can see into neighbor's cottage

'Neighbors want us to alter our property': Karen builds gaudy 3+ story house, complains that she can see into neighbor's cottage

'[HOA] said that sunflowers are not allowed': Guy enlists lawyer's help to get even with HOA, maliciously complies with contract by planting corn

'[HOA] said that sunflowers are not allowed': Guy enlists lawyer's help to get even with HOA, maliciously complies with contract by planting corn

‘I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat': Resident uses power outage during storm to get back at outdoorsy neighbor after paying out of pocket for car repair

‘I graciously helped myself to half a freezer's worth of meat': Resident uses power outage during storm to get back at outdoorsy neighbor after paying out of pocket for car repair

neighbors neighborhood revenge neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 21931781

'I returned the favor': Worst neighbor ever steals dude's stuff, dude tricks the police give him the theif's stuff too

'If I were a nicer person, I could've let it go [...] Too bad I'm petty.': Woman files restraining order against neighbor Karen, wins and gets her fired

'If I were a nicer person, I could've let it go [...] Too bad I'm petty.': Woman files restraining order against neighbor Karen, wins and gets her fired

HOA Fails: 15+ Neighborhood Homeowners Association Rules That Backfired

HOA Fails: 15+ Neighborhood Homeowners Association Rules That Backfired

'Why are you always dressing your girl in pink?': Karen neighbor gets mad at father for dressing his 2-year-old daughter in pink clothes

'Why are you always dressing your girl in pink?': Karen neighbor gets mad at father for dressing his 2-year-old daughter in pink clothes

'Stop locking your cars after 8pm': Top Karens of the Week (August 25, 2023)

'Stop locking your cars after 8pm': Top Karens of the Week (August 25, 2023)

parking-drama neighbors parking space neighborhood-drama bad neighbors terrible neighbors parking neighbor - 21945093

'[Our neighbor's mother] will just take the spot whenever she wants': Neighbor's mother demands couple's reserved parking spot

'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman questions neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman confronts neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

'The painters asked multiple times if they were sure': Homeowner couple follow HOA rules by painting their house in bright neon shade

'The painters asked multiple times if they were sure': Homeowner couple follow HOA rules by painting their house in bright neon shade

parking-drama neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories Bad Neighbor parking neighbor - 21943557

'Enjoy your tiny driveway': New landlord neighbor tries to commandeer couple's driveway, loses and ends up with a tiny driveway

landowner hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories home improvement hoa-karen Bad Neighbor karen - 21849093

'It is against HOA rules': Elitest HOA demands removal of family's garden after forgetting they refused their application

'Don't make your tenants do your job': Determined tenant uses data analyst skills to research soaring water prices, leading to entire leasing office getting fired by corporate

'Don't make your tenants do your job': Determined tenant uses data analyst skills to research soaring water prices, leading to entire leasing office getting fired by corporate