
'These should match all of your dietary requests': Difficult neighbor makes demands about Halloween treats for her kids, woman just gives them carrots carrots

'These should match all of your dietary requests': Difficult neighbor makes demands about Halloween treats for her kids, woman just gives them carrots

'He was fuming, but I didn't care': Resident gains extra yard space and hundreds of dollars in neighborly dispute

'He was fuming, but I didn't care': Resident gains extra yard space and hundreds of dollars in neighborly dispute

hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 22550789

'Now everyone absolutely hates her': Neighborhood Karen finally gets her wish and becomes HOA president, doesn't last six months

'[I] picked a day they would be at work so not to ruin the "surprise"': Couple with ten dogs insists neighbors need to replace their fence, neighbors give them a fence that 'resembles the Berlin Wall'

'[I] picked a day they would be at work so not to ruin the "surprise"': Couple with ten dogs insists neighbors need to replace their fence, neighbors give them a fence that 'resembles the Berlin Wall'

‘I won’t buy you a house... that's ridiculous': Unemployed neighbor asks former resident to buy him a house, because he can't afford one

‘I won’t buy you a house... that's ridiculous': Unemployed neighbor asks former resident to buy him a house, because he can't afford one

'When they passed this rule, I was livid': HOA passes vague rule about holiday decorations, neighbor tests rule and finds loophole

'When they passed this rule, I was livid': HOA passes vague policy about holiday decorations, neighbor tests rules and finds loophole

'[It] was the end of the HOA': HOA president's plan backfires after recruiting landowner only to revoke his property rights, forcing president to resign after misidentifying property

'[It] was the end of the HOA': HOA president's plan backfires after recruiting landowner only to revoke his property rights, forcing president to resign after misidentifying property

'Now they are all "my" leaves': Homeowner gets back at leaf collection company who left leaves on their neighbor's curb

'Now they are all "my" leaves': Homeowner gets back at leaf collection company who left their leaves on their neighbor's curb

karens hoa karen hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 22380805

'We screwed them out of potentially millions': Jealous HOA Karen's shrubbery objections unearth interesting details about the HOA's policies

'I’ll notify you every time': Man calls HOA members each time he puts out trash cans after they fine him for putting out the garbage

'I’ll notify you every time': Man calls HOA members each time he puts out trash cans after they fine him for putting out the garbage

reddit reddit-thread thread story true-story true petty-revenge neighbors neighbor neighborhood revenge petty drama suburbs sprinklers

'His passenger side will get blasted': Suburban man gets payback by installing 360° sprinklers to wreck his neighbor's sports car after he repeatedly drives through his lawn

pro revenge neighbors neighborhood revenge homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 22329349

'It was probably somewhere close to 300 lbs [of meat]': Neighbor dents dude's car, dude tricks him into giving him a freezer full of meat

'Our neighbor has taken our fence down': "Fence Lady" chops down neighbors' fence because it is blocking her air conditioner

'Our neighbor has taken our fence down': "Fence Lady" chops down neighbors' fence because it is blocking her air conditioner

hoa housing neighbors neighborhood mother neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors flippers flipping family mom houses home cardboard boxes boxes driveway - 22323717

'[House] flippers were... unhappy with my mother's "unsightly" driveway': HOA tells family to clear their driveway, mother installs a sign to get back at them

Update: 'All three of them ran straight into the pool': Uncle gets even with nieces and nephews, their parents charge him for broken phones, revealing financial woes

Update: 'All three of them ran straight into the pool': Uncle gets even with nieces and nephews, their parents charge him for broken phones, revealing financial woes

'He has no idea what's next': Resident meddles with neighbor's plans to construct a roof for elderly father, so neighbor builds 80-foot wall

'He has no idea what's next': Resident meddles with neighbor's plans to construct a roof for elderly father, so neighbor builds 80-foot wall