
entitled construction workers not abiding by neighborhood code results in man getting fined 200 euros so he bites back with a delicious petty revenge

Man gets fined $216, bites back at entitled construction workers after they failed to follow neighborhood codes: ‘Traffic Enforcement number is on my speed dial’

HOA demands residents sell their cars and renovate their homes before 2026: 'This is the best for the neighborhood'

HOA demands residents sell their cars and renovate their homes before 2026: 'This is the best for the neighborhood'

pro revenge neighbors parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 35786245

Neighbors lay claim to shared driveway by blocking access to the entire thing with an errantly parked vehicle: 'Their truck is parked diagonally'

'It was her raccoon... she left a bag of sugar out for it': 20+ Absurd people who became the "crazy neighbor"

'It was her raccoon... she left a bag of sugar out for it': 15+ Absurd people who became the "crazy neighbor"

neighbor karen neighborhood dog dogs barking petty revenge vengeance payback deserves karens reddit thread funny

‘Two can play this game, Karen’: Dude stays up until 3 AM to get revenge on the neighbor and her barking dog, then basks in the spoils of successful petty revenge

neighbor lies to HOA about woman's dogs disturbing the peace everyday, woman's clear evidence reveals it's the neighbor's 5 untrained rescue dogs

Neighbor accuses woman's dogs of barking constantly and contacts HOA, despite woman having ample evidence it's the neighbor's 5 rescue dogs: ‘Had it up to here’

'I then filed multiple complaints against my neighbor': Guy continually floods neighbor's yard, claims he doesn't have any money to fix it until HOA steps in

'I then filed multiple complaints against my neighbor': Guy continually floods neighbor's yard, claims he doesn't have any money to fix it until HOA steps in

entitled neighbors are treating long time town resident as a doormat, woman is sick of it and gets the neighborhood council involved

Woman spends $10k to appease her demanding new neighbors, is fed up after years of loud music, stolen parking spots, and local authority involvement: ‘I was sick of it’

'HOA tried to steal my car': Top HOA Stories of the Week (July 18, 2024)

'HOA tried to steal my car': Top HOA Stories of the Week (July 18, 2024)

Neighbor gets back at entitled Karen for tossing smelly, unbagged food in her trash: 'I literally dumped the entire can out'

Neighbor gets back at entitled Karen for tossing smelly, unbagged food in her trash: 'I literally dumped the entire can out'

'Your mailbox isn't shiny enough': 15 HOAs with ridiculous rules

'Your mailbox isn't shiny enough': 15 HOAs with ridiculous rules

'Neighbors took it upon themselves to trim our forsythia bushes': 20 Neighborly squabbles from neighbors who just can't get along

'Neighbors took it upon themselves to trim our forsythia bushes': 20 Neighborly squabbles from neighbors who just can't get along

Angry neighbor gets upset when man mows his lawn during reasonable, neighbor gets the karma she deserves

Man's neighbor threatens to call police for mowing his lawn, so he stops mowing their side of the yard: ‘I said it's too loud and I might get in trouble"

family drama neighbors crazy people entitlement drama kids neighborhood Female Empowerment driveway neighborhood-drama parenting prank entitled family reddit thread Reddit mom children entitled people - 35772421

'Finally, justice getting served!': Homeowner spends hundreds of dollars to find source of banging noise, catches entitled neighbor kid kicking house and running away

Partygoers refuse to leave event empty handed, raid event, leaving hosts high and dry with nothing to serve remaining guests

Partygoers refuse to leave event empty handed, raid event, leaving hosts high and dry with nothing to serve remaining guests

neighbors employee entitlement drama job neighborhood blue collar workers construction blue collar worker story entitled people karma entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people employment construction workers - 35729157

Neighbor gets ultimate revenge on entitled construction workers who constantly break noise rules and steal electricity from his outdoor outlets: 'Cue the whining and complaining'