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‘Two can play this game, Karen’: Dude stays up until 3 AM to get revenge on the neighbor and her barking dog, then basks in the spoils of successful petty revenge

entitled neighbors are treating long time town resident as a doormat, woman is sick of it and gets the neighborhood council involved

Woman spends $10k to appease her demanding new neighbors, is fed up after years of loud music, stolen parking spots, and local authority involvement: ‘I was sick of it’

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Neighborhood kids banned from family treehouse after they leave a mess and mom refuses to step in: '[Their mom] started telling everyone I ruined her kids' summer'

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Demanding homebuyer insists on a spotless house with not a single blade of grass out of place, seller maliciously complies: '[The neighbors] were thrilled to take it'

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Entitled neighbor refuses to move their car, tow truck moves it for them: '[I] called up the tow company and watched'

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HOA lowers homeowner's water pressure after they hire contractor to mess with water mains

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Homeowners discover their neighbors have been hosting unauthorized 4th of July pool party celebrations at their house for years while they're away on holiday: 'Now do we confront the neighbors'

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‘Thems the breaks, lady’: Hobbyist woodworker stands up to an entitled mother enforcing her kids' bedtime on the whole neighborhood

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Karen neighbor tries to dig trench across neighbor's property, accidentally breaks water to landowner's house: 'My home no longer has water'

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Underbidding neighbor tries to make new landowner's life difficult, they return the favor: '[He] was upset I bought the property he wanted'

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'Bye bye garden bed': Neighborhood dogs destroy their own garden after a clever mom uses their untrained aggression against the owners

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Karen Neighbor complains about adjoining fence, Homeowner removes it meaning she can no longer let her hyperactive dog outside: 'The look on her face was priceless!'

'They don't care': Resident's neighbors jump their fence and hang out in their backyard, then refuse to leave

'They don't care': Resident's neighbors jump their fence and hang out in their backyard, then refuse to leave

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Guy gets revenge on a mud-slinging neighbor by reporting his homemade dojo to the city's permitting department: 'Petty revenge served by subpoena'

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House-flipping Neighbor fails to listen to warnings about getting landscaping permits, learns the hard way: 'Their backyard is still not finished'

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Guy gets spicy revenge on thieving neighbors stealing his peaches by boobytrapping the fruit: 'Carolina Reaper, you know, to deter pests'