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'I put his on vacation hold': Neighborhood trash battle results in unexpected vacation

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'I got my neighbor evicted': Grad student snitches on his noisy neighbor to the HOA, getting him evicted as revenge for ruining his peace

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'[His] neighbor decided to take it upon herself to report [him.]': Karen and HOA team up to take on guy who just wants to garden, he gets the last laugh

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'I called the cops': Neighbor repeatedly blocks new parents' driveway, gets towed, blames them

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'What price do you put on peace of mind?': Trashy neighbor throws garbage over fence, guy buys the house they're renting just to evict them

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'I will fill your car with snow': Guy gets ice-cold revenge on a parking spot stealer during actual blizzard

arly update: Since my previous post, I've received a second note stuck to my window. I'm not sure what to make of it as it's more or less the same style of letter,

Update! 'You are being given a warning': Woman receives passive aggressive note from neighbor demanding removal of decorative fake plants

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Insane Neighbor Insists Homeowners Pay Their Child's Medical Bills After Their Child Hurts Themselves in Homeowners' Driveway

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'You must within 2 days minimum': Neighbor's demand that woman remove fake plants from her porch goes viral

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'Your heat is too low': Guy's upstairs neighbor demands he turn up his thermostat to heat her apartment.

'I was losing sleep and my mind': Noisy neighbors catch payback in the form of malicious compliance after years of gaslighting the resident next door

'I was losing sleep and my mind': Noisy neighbors catch payback in the form of malicious compliance after years of gaslighting the resident next door

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'They were trying to scam us': Neighbor mows woman's lawn without asking, demands payment

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'I put an end to [it]': Guy solves neighbor's loud arguing with genius solution

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'Karens keep stealing from my garden': Garden grabbing karens get served when guy uproots the entire thing

Entitled neighbor helps herself to my garden

Update! 'I was LIVID': Entitled woman caught stealing from neighbor's garden, neighbor loses it

UPDATE: Karen tows couple's cars from their own driveway, okays her relative's use of their driveway over Christmas period

UPDATE: Karen tows couple's cars from their own driveway, okays her relative's use of their driveway over Christmas period