

recruit sergeant tech support talesfromtechsupport commander malicious compliance navy technology military it commanding officer IT guy army military malicious compliance grunt - 35875845

NCO orders Air Force Information Manager to track their completed jobs, quickly abandoned when results stack in their favor: 'I had over [6 times] the jobs'

There's something about stories of time in the military that just really tick all boxes. For one thing, you have archetypical authoritarian figures aplenty who have a very real and absolute authority over their subordinates, the kind of power that a overstepping assistant retail manager or wizened doctor's office receptionist would salivate buckets over. The thing is, in this type of environment, you're going to be ordered to do things that you don't agree with or that just plain old don't make…
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'Face it, you lost': Chief navigator's new phone policy on sea vessel backfires after one soldier plays the system, resulting in crew losing access to outside communication

'Face it, you lost': Chief navigator's new phone policy on sea vessel backfires after one soldier plays the system, resulting in crew losing access to outside communication

When a new team member joins, particularly if they are assigned a leadership position, they will probably try to introduce some sort of new and, in their view, creative rule that will simplify the assigned tasks and improve the overall efficiency and productivity of the daily routine. The soldier in the story below, together with his fellow crew members, have discovered the most effective way to get revenge on their superiors. OP serves in the Navy as a member of the attack submarine unit. They…
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recruit pro revenge sergeant commander malicious compliance revenge navy military commanding officer army military malicious compliance grunt - 23293957

'He lost his job': Naval officer gets fired after leaked viral letter about enlisted servicemen, enlisted man details his part in the revenge

There are surprisingly few stories we see shared online in this manner that have any real substance about them. Sure, they make for good stories and engagement for discussion, but one can never be completely sure that there's anything more to them than that. Well, that was until this story surfaced, a legendary tale of legendary status that spread like wildfire around certain corners of the internet and in military circles, owing to the fact that there was a lot of evidence pointing to the fact…
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officer military military malicious compliance malicious compliance navy army - 23159813

'SIR is reserved for those you respect': Commander demands respect, petty officer tells him he hasn't earned it

You can't command respect that you haven't earned, and just the mere fact that you're someone's superior doesn't mean you've earned anything. After all, there are plenty of people in positions of authority who have achieved that position for all the wrong reasons—usually because another person with a misunderstanding of leadership has granted it to them. You'll come across plenty of these authority figures in your life who wield their authority with impunity, demanding respect when they don't d…
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recruit sergeant commander malicious compliance navy military commanding officer army military malicious compliance grunt petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories petty revenge revenge-stories-reddit - 22420997

'It was petty, but it felt good': Navy pilot buys a car just to spite an arrogant fleet commodore

It's no secret that petty power begets petty tyrants, but there's something about a petty tyrant who is very aware that they're not quite at the top of the food chain that causes exceedingly terrible behavior. For example, it's often that store managers are the chillest people in existence, being at the top of the immediate food chain with nowhere really else to go; they tend to take things as they come and are easygoing to subordinates. Meanwhile, assistant managers have a much higher chance o…
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commanding-officer malicious compliance navy military military-stories military-malicious-compliance enlisted - 21868805

'The clerk looked like she was gonna cry': Karen supply clerk forces newly enlisted to wear disintegrating boots, gets chewed out by CO

There's always a bigger fish when it comes to the chain of command—well, almost always. But trust a Petty Officer to think that they're a much bigger fish than they really are and foolishly overstep in the wielding of their authority. This newly enlisted seaman ran afoul of a “Karen” clerk, who also happened to be well… connected with senior enlisted personnel. He starts off by explaining how this happened during his time serving in the Navy way back in the late eighties. The then-newly enliste…
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property house home military moving military-family karen delusional insane entitled entitled-people reddit creepy neighborhood neighbors army navy kids parents story wholesome happy-ending

'Get off my property!': Delusional Karen breaks into a military family's garden, threatening to run them out of town to acquire their property; police remove her, justice ensues, and the family lives happily ever after in their forever home

Military kids can all agree that moving sucks. After packing up your belongings for the 15th time before you even hit 8 years of age, the whole process starts to become numbing and the idea of a forever home becomes more of a fantastical dream than a reality. However, for some army brats, their dreams come true when their parents get stationed in a long term, or even forever, location.
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still on patrol navy submarines tumblr thread

Tumblr Thread: The Forever On Patrol Submarines

Alright yeah, that's really interesting.
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crazy surprising navy awesome marianas trench Video win - 107046913

Guy Jumps Off Aircraft Carrier Over The Marianas Trench

Cthulu almost had some houseguests.
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Ship captain disregards his crew's warnings about rust on the ship | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/VirtualToddler Captain said get all rust, now tank has hole. M On mobile TL/DR at end little background first. Before came my senses and changed course worked as sailor on petroleum carrier. One many duties sailor has is keeping vessel turning into large iron ore deposit on sea floor do this, there is tool called needle scaler s pneumatic device consists bunch 7-12 inch long 1/16 inch

Ship Captain Disregards Deck Crew's Advice, Loses Bonus, Gets Chewed Out

The regret must've been so painful.
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Royal Navy junior officer takes revenge on guy with parking job | r/ProRevenge u/Big_JR80 4h Join 's space is Many years ago serving Royal Navy as junior officer. My ship alongside HMNB (Her Majesty's Naval Base) Devonport (Plymouth, England) and through bit luck and quick thinking possession coveted mobile car pass. These were rarely issued and were highly sought after as allowed park almost any parking space on base and so useful getting all gopher" jobs got as very junior Sub Lieutenant pass

Royal Navy Junior Officer Takes Parking Job Revenge

Dan should've just played nice.
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Lazy naval officer pulls off a historically lazy move | TupperWolf 13.4k points 4 years ago O15 Late party but this one is too good pass up once on US military ship, having breakfast wardroom (officers lounge Operations Officer (OPS) walks This guy definition NOT morning person; he's still half asleep, bleary eyed basically zombie with bagel. He sits down across eat his bagel and is just barely conscious. My back is outboard side ship, and morning sun is blazing one portholes putting big bright-

Naval Officer Pulls Off Amazingly Lazy Move

Boss move.
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Navy operations officer pulls off an impressively lazy move | is laziest thing ever done once on US military ship, having breakfast wardroom (officers lounge Operations Officer (OPS) walks This guy definition NOT morning person; he's still half asleep, bleary eyed basically zombie with bagel. He sits down across eat his bagel and is just barely conscious. My back is outboard side ship, and morning sun is blazing one portholes putting big bright-ass circle light right on his barely conscious face

Navy Operations Officer Pulls Laziest Move Ever

You're doing it right when you go down in history for being lazy.
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People that served in the U.S. military share some of the creepiest, most paranormal stuff they encountered during service.

People In The U.S. Military Share The Creepiest Things They Encountered

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crazy footage Aliens ufo navy military Supernatural Video - 99456001

US Navy Confirms UFO Footage Filmed By F18's Tracking Camera Is Real

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Video Game Coverage navy awesome military old people Grandpa video games video game logic win - 95820033

Old Navy Diver And Cancer Survivor Grandpa, Is Dominating On Apex Legends Game

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