
moving out

‘Is it fair?’: 17-year-old son forced to act like the parent after unemployed step-dad and pushover mom use up all of his personal savings, gives them a talking to and vows to move out

‘Is it fair?’: 17-year-old son forced to act like the parent after unemployed stepdad and pushover mom use up all of his personal savings, gives them a talking to and vows to move out

What advice would you give this teen?
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‘To think they [felt] entitled to MY money is beyond me’: Plotting roommates try to dupe third roommate out of her $2,300 security deposit return, turns the dupe on them instead

‘To think they [felt] entitled to MY money is beyond me’: Plotting roommates try to dupe third roommate out of her $2,370 security deposit return, turns the dupe on them instead

“Just because you don’t get along with someone doesn’t mean you can steal from them kiddos!!! Careful who you live with…”
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Girl finds herself living with 4 other people in 2-bedroom apartment after being lied to by roommate, resulting in roommate moving out when she takes it too far: 'We're packed like sardines'

Girl finds herself living with 4 other people in 2-bedroom apartment after being lied to by roommate, resulting in roommate moving out when she takes it too far: 'We're packed like sardines'

When someone lives away from their parents, the possibility of seeing them split into two options - Either they travel to see their parents or their parents travel to see them. Traveling to your parents is usually not a problem. You can stay in your childhood bedroom and feel comfortable in the space in which you grew up. But when your parents come to visit you, it can get quite… tricky, to say the least. The biggest problem of all, is the sleeping situation – Where will your parents stay? Will…
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After constantly being demanded by roommates to clean the apartment, woman complies by moving out with all their essentials: ‘I cleaned the apartment real good'

After constantly being demanded by roommates to clean the apartment, woman complies by moving out with all their essentials: ‘I cleaned the apartment real good'

When young adults first move out of their parents' homes, many are faced with the question of whether or not they should move in with roommates. Although most people don't really have a choice, because very few can actually manage financially to live alone when they are that young, even if you were given the choice, it can be a difficult decision. On one hand, living with roommates means you are never lonely, you can make great friends and create such fun experiences simply by sharing a living…
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'They don't care': Resident's neighbors jump their fence and hang out in their backyard, then refuse to leave

'They don't care': Resident's neighbors jump their fence and hang out in their backyard, then refuse to leave

Some neighbors need a reality check, and you can't always play nice. One neighborhood resident was battling his neighbors stomping on his property for quite some time. It seemed like nothing to them off of it was working. At a loss, they turned to Reddit… and you know how that goes. A flurry of responses came in, giving them advice on how to get their neighbors off their property forever. Some were clever, others creative, and there were a few that were definitely favorited. I've also had neigh…
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‘The money better be back by the time I'm home': Housemate refuses to let broke roommate get away with taking $1,000 from his room while he was out

‘The money better be back by the time I'm home': Housemate refuses to let broke roommate get away with taking $1,000 from his room while he was out

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This housemate was in for a rude awakening when they arrived home one day only to discover that a whopping $1,000 in cash was missing from his bedroom. The money was there, and now it wasn't… living with a roommate, he only had one suspect to confront. This roommate was a real pain and was constantly complaining to him and creating 'boundaries'. Funny, isn't there such a boundary that is protected by the law called 'stealing'? People are wild. Th…
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'[They] regret moving out': Freeloading family gets a taste of the real world after refusing to pitch in for groceries and bills

The only reason any of us are enduring our workday for the sake of a measly paycheck is because life is expensive. Watching our bills, groceries, car payments, and rent go up every month isn't exactly an encouraging reality, but only a deluded person would think that the luxuries in life (like a full fridge and gas in your car) would come without a price tag–but then again...
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Gen X couple grapples with a hard decision after finding out their broke parents planned a lavish vacation: ‘Congratulations, you are now their retirement plan’

When a fully-fledged adult flops financially, they can usually move back in with their parents to bounce back. There's that memorable stigma of the 'wanton failure' moving back in with mom and dad that's been ingrained in our heads since the dawn of rom-com rock bottom movie intro. But none of us are ever prepared for the moment that our parents move back in with the kids.
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‘You can bill her for it’: Woman cancels $400 phone plan under roommate's name after roommate refuses to pay half of $1700 in apartment repairs

‘You can bill her for it’: Woman cancels $400 phone plan under roommate's name after roommate refuses to pay half of $1700 in apartment repairs

You really roll the dice when you move in with someone… Whether that's a spouse, a friend, or a complete stranger, like a roommate. One woman moved in with her best friend, and we all know that can either go amazingly, or it can go as south as south can go… Guess which way this situation went? So, after a while of living together, OP's roommate began doing some questionable things, which at first, did not affect OP in the slightest. That is, until one day, this roommate had to bail out the pers…
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‘She’s not leaving': Roommates invite evicted neighbor to stay with them for 2 weeks, but once they pass, neighbor doesn't leave

‘She’s not leaving': Roommates invite evicted neighbor to stay with them for 2 weeks, she doesn't pay a dime and then refuses to leave

People like to think of themselves as 'good people', and will go to great lengths to prove to themselves and others that they are decent, kind, welcoming, and helpful. Then comes a day when they wish they could take it all back, and that is usually the day when all their kindness comes back to bite them… Hard. In this case, a few roommates heard that their neighbor was being evicted, and it being Thanksgiving, they just didn't think it was right to leave her out in the cold. So, they did what a…
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‘I didn’t give them a heads up': Fed up housemate shuts off power, leaving roommates without electricity after being asked to leave

‘I didn’t give them a heads up': Fed up housemate shuts off power, leaving roommates without electricity after being asked to leave

Blink once, blink twice, and oops, a roommate situation has already gone south… That's how quickly it gets ugly. And wouldn't I know… I've been there and even lived through it to tell the tale. I used to live with a bunch of roommates, some of whom were decent, others annoying, but all hail that one person in particular who has etched themself into the deepest, darkest parts of my brain. She did not take the garbage out once in the 3, short but painful months we lived together. Her clothes were…
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‘I took... everything’: Roommates try driving housemate out, so she leaves, taking all the furniture with her

‘I took... everything’: Roommates try driving housemate out, so she leaves, taking all the furniture with her

Unless you move in together with your best friend, chances are you are going to roll the dice and live with a roommate or two. The dice will spin around a few times until it plops onto a number that makes you gasp in delight, or grumble in despair. This woman got unlucky and found herself being slowly but painfully driven out by her roommates who were planning to kick her out. Once she caught a whiff of that, she realized she had to comply with her lease, and the quicker the better. So she set…
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'Call the police... see what happens': Landlord blows his gasket when ex-tenant moves out and takes the appliances she purchased with her

Landlords are the scum of the Earth. They hike up the rent 10% every month, they paint over your electrical outlets, and they're clearly under the impression that the entire world exists for their profit. They'll scam their tenants out of anything if it means making an extra buck– At the risk of losing our residence, is there any way for us tenants to retaliate?
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'Landlord is ignoring my notice to vacate': Woman deals with landlord who doesn't want to lose her

Man worries about getting evicted, even though he gave notice to his landlord.
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'I'm moving out': Woman demands 50% rent payment from roommate despite setting her bed up in living room, roommate moves out

'I'm moving out': Woman demands 50% rent payment from roommate despite setting her bed up in living room, roommate moves out

When signing a lease for an apartment, it seems a reasonable ask and a fundamental part of the contract to receive an actual room with a door for basic privacy reasons. Apparently, this is not always the case, and some people settle for living conditions that you wouldn't wish upon your Karen coworker. OP convinced her friend to come live with her in a 'cheap' apartment and to pay 50% of the rent, despite giving her friend a bed in the living room. OP said that a divider was a good enough means…
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'I'm not feeling safe in my own apartment': Cheapskate landlord gets fined $10,000 for jerry-rigging electrical instead of replacing a faulty stove after endangered tenant reported it to the fire department

'I'm not feeling safe in my own apartment': Cheapskate landlord gets fined $10,000 for jerry-rigging electrical instead of replacing a faulty stove after endangered tenant reported it to the fire department

One of the few benefits of being a renter is that you are not responsible for maintaining a property's upkeep. However, that is simultaneously a huge downside if you have a chintzy landlord. If your unskilled landlord is a cheap, do-it-yourself type, you might find yourself constantly smelling methane gas, putting putty over leaks, and watching him paint over holes in the wall.
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