

karens security entitled parents mother entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19663877

‘But do I LOOK like a shoplifter?’: Entitled Mom asked to show receipt before leaving store, goes into full Karen rage mode

As if people who wear nice clothes don’t steal…
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neighbors entitled parents neighborhood mother entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19640581

Update: 'Get off my property now': Entitled Mom breaks into neighbor's backyard to use the pool, gets kicked out, kid destroys neighbor's home with fireworks

This one is full of twists and turns that give entitled mothers a whole new look.
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family drama aita mother family feud family reddit thread daughter Reddit - 19624709

'[She] slammed it 5 times as hard as she could': Rebellious teenager keeps slamming door, parents take the door off the frame

I mean, they do say actions have consequences...
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AITA for calling my mom when my husband refused to listen to me?

'They need to leave': Pregnant wife returns from hospital to find her brother-in-law's entire family living in their home

This must be the plot of either a screwball comedy or a total horror nightmare!
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AITA for cancelling my son's birthday party because my Mother-In-Law left poop on my toothbrush

'Your MIL is LITERALLY TOXIC': Guy's MIL gets defensive after major babysitting bathroom fail

This lady makes a compelling candidate for the worst mother-in-law!
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AITA wasting money on a bathroom and not helping my brother.

'You aren't his ATM': Dude refuses to lend money to overspending brother, but their mother disagrees

One guy posted his recent family drama to Reddit, asking if he really needs to be responsible for his brother's complicated financial situation. As he wrote to r/AmItheA******, this guy explained that he and his brother are both adults with families , but the ways they spend their money are quite. For the OP, living with kids and a wife, he tends to be more conservative with his money. He decided to use a chunk of his money to add a plush bathroom to his house. If you've ever lived in a house w…
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nsane entitled parents mother terrible-parrent parenting entitled Parenting Fail entitled people parenting-stories

'Get a better job': Terrible mother borrows car from son and shames him when he wants to drive it to work

The support of your parents can be extremely determinant of your own success—the trade-off being that their support in raising you out of diapers will be repaid when they return to them. It's a fair trade—when the parents uphold their end of the deal and aren't depraved and selfish narcissists—or otherwise toxic and destructive to be around. Now, we're all complicated people, and none of us are without our flaws, but some people are better off far away… and out of your life. Take this delightfu…
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AITA for not asking my kids to come to my wedding after they RSVP'd no.

'I got married on Saturday and my kids found out': Kids think their father is the AH for getting remarried two months after their mother passed away

Clearly, the communication in this family is out of whack!
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‘Sorry, Do I Know You?’ : Daughter Pettily Pretends Not to Recognize Biological Parents When They Try Reconnecting 9 Years After Abandoning Her on Uncle's Doorstep

‘Sorry, Do I Know You?’ : Daughter Pettily Pretends Not to Recognize Biological Parents When They Try Reconnecting 9 Years After Abandoning Her on Uncle's Doorstep

Bad behavior and a lack of communication should not be rewarded. If you made your bed, you gotta lie in it. Those are the rules, simply put. You can't expect people to ‘forgive and forget', this isn't a Hallmark movie. Some parents rendered their parental rights when giving their kids up for adoption. And I'm not just talking about legal ones. Yet, much like those pesky spam emails that keep showing up in your inbox, those 3 am calls from a regretful ex, and those forever skyrocketing bills you…
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Want to put my kid in detention for farting. You can pay for the cost of getting him home

Terrible Teacher Gives Gaseous Teen Detention, Mother Goes to Principal and Makes Her Pay, Literally

Sometimes people need a little bit of monetary consequence to let them know that their actions have been bad; it's the only stimulus that a lot of entitled, narcissistic, or power-tripping people will respond to. And, while I can't agree with the notion that a teacher should normally have to pay for punishing their student's poor behavior, in this instance, it's clear that this teacher was just abusing their power and really mistreating and harassing this poor student. It's incredibly dishearte…
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‘It’s Still My Money!’ : Dad Decides to Reinvest Daughter’s College Fund Towards His New Step Kids Education Following Her Early Graduation, Family Drama Ensues

‘It’s Still My Money!’ : Dad Decides to Reinvest Daughter’s College Fund Towards His New Step Kids Education Following Her Early Graduation, Family Drama Ensues

College in the States is hella expensive. Kids these days take out a ridiculous amount of student loans that equate to buying a house or two. Oftentimes, when parents can afford to, they'll help. We're talking big bucks here, upwards of 60 thousand dollars… that's an enormous sum of money to put into your education, but at this point, it's just how the world works. When your family gets involved in your expenses, ‘fun stuff’ starts hitting the fan, if you get what I mean… Heated discussions and…
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AITA for moving my son into a rental apartment after finding out that his dad's been cancelling his job applications?

'[He] deserves a life of his own': Unhinged Dad refuses to let fully grown son leave the house, Mom saves the day

I guess father does not know best!
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'Well he didn't cheat on ME' : Selfish Daughter Denies Her Mother Empathy When Her Dad’s Cheating Gets Another Woman Pregnant, Leading To Family Drama and No Contact

'Well he didn't cheat on ME' : Selfish Daughter Denies Her Mother Empathy When Her Dad’s Cheating Gets Another Woman Pregnant, Leading To Family Drama and No Contact

One might think that when one of your parents gets cheated on by the other, resulting in a soon-to-be new brother or sister, you might not exactly be over the moon. At the very least, you might think that one would carry some empathy for the parent who was suffering, not the one who lied about their infidelity and then oops, got another woman pregnant. Sigh… I don't know if it's a generational thing, or if we were just as self-centered back in the day, but this is unacceptable behavior and says…
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Entitled angry mom doesn’t want my floor fixed (3ft-3ft hole by my bed)

'Your mom is nuts': Unhinged Mom refuses to fix huge hole in kid's bedroom

This lady has taken things way too far!
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AITA for calling my soon-to-be-MIL an insecure b****?

'It’s not my Mom’s fault that she’s an insecure b****': Woman lashes out at future Mother-in-law for taking over her wedding

It sounds like this Monster-in-law is always going to be a problem.
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UPDATE: AITA for not going to my parents wedding before they get divorced again?

Update! 'Call me when they get their next divorce': Parents keep getting divorced and remarried, daughter calls them out

This is some rich people drama!
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