

daughter catches mom's boyfriend cheating, serves him piping hot justice

‘You’re gaslighting me so you don't look like the bad guy': Daughter catches mom's boyfriend cheating, epically tells him off and puts him in his place

“You and I both know that you got caught doing something wrong, that you weren't supposed to be doing, and you're gaslighting the absolute sh*t out of me so you don't look like the bad guy.”
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"This crazy lady started to recorded us bc we were “in her space” at a public airport so we did the same. Leading up to this… get this lady some help."

'She went and hid behind the pole': Racist Karen squatting at an airport baggage claim gets epically told off by multiracial mom and daughter team, Internet applauds

What are the laws when it comes to taking up space in a public airport? People are obviously not allowed to just live in one, but there are some who get stranded due to flight cancellations or whatever for several days and end up sleeping on the benches inside. How do you decipher between someone who is simply stuck waiting for the next possible flight to catch, and someone who is squatting in the baggage claim? One thing is for sure, if you are trying to hide out as long as you can in an airpo…
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