
Woman calls a call center and demands a 500 MB plan because she thinks it is bigger than 16 GB and she gets it.

Customer Demands a 500 MB plan Instead of Existing 16 GB Plan

Woman on Twitter proceeds to shame people for being broke | Melissa Jeanine Follow @melissajknows Years ago first got married wanted make friends with neighbors our new apartment complex break ice baked batch scratch cookies and put them big Tupperware container and gave them girls at office.

Woman On Twitter Shames People For Being Broke

Cheap people selling and buying stuff and also demand free things.

Selfish Cheapskates Whose Boldness Knows No Shame

wholesome tips FAIL pizza nice dumb mistake money stupid delivery - 8930053

Guy Accidentally Makes Delivery Driver's Month and Tips Over A Grand

Greedy and selfish people who demand more than they deserve.

Shamelessly Selfish People Who Have More Greed Than Sense

Unethical business practices that are commonplace even though they're wrong.

Unethical Business Practices That Are So Common No One Does Anything

AskReddit users share some, "I can't believe I'm getting paid for this" moments.

People That Couldn't Believe They Got Paid For Their "Work"

A guy selling a car gets offered sex as a trade and rejects her offer.

Guy Gets Propositioned Sex for $400 Car, Soundly Rejects Offer

Fees, businesses and services that are basically scams.

Things That Are Pretty Much Scams But Most People Accept As Legitimate Business

People being generally selfish, demanding ridiculous free stuff and services.

Frustrating Cheapskates Who Made Their Selfishness Someone Else's Problem

Rude customer abuses admin assistant, so the owner steps in.

Abusive Customer Refuses To Pay Deposit and Demands to Speak To Owner On Bereavement Leave, Gets Slammed

Tenant lies about eviction, tries to say they're still on old lease, and ends up paying $20K.

Tenant Gets Evicted, Lies About Eviction And Ends Up Paying $20K

Mechanic tries to charge guy for a mistake they made, he talks to owner, he makes it right and the GM gets fired.

Dude Gets Screwed By Mechanic, Takes It Up With Owner And Gets Results

cheapskate, cheap, hairdresser, woman wants influencer discount on haircut

Woman Who Thinks She's an Influencer Wants Hair Done For Cheap

askreddit stories about rich kids

25 Frustrating Examples of Spoiled Rich Kid Syndrome People Witnessed

Story of web designer whose client refused to pay, so he changed the site until he did pay.

Client Refuses to Pay Web Designer, So He Edits The Guy's Site to Advertise His Competitors