

don't tell your parent stories

People's "Don't Tell Your Mother About This" Moments

Or father. Either one.
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Stories and pictures of kids being strange and dumb | STAND UP BELIEVE i heart TRAINS child holding up a sign at a protest rally. Airdrie warns public brazen coyote after 6-year-old attacked at light festival Child is safe but disappointed he didn't turn into werewolf, mom says Sarah Rieger CBC News Posted: Dec 18, 2018 5:45 PM MT Last Updated: 3 hours ago

Moments that Prove Kids are Bizarre and Stupid

They're not the smartest or most normal people out there.
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funny memes and stories of kids being stupid and weird | Told Abby this is where she can put her letters Santa. So she gathered her toy letters and put them Santa. fetters SANTA felld SA | Robert McNees @mcnees Recently told 8yo she should always replace toilet paper runs out. Just found this bathroom. 3:18 PM 11/29/20 Twitter iPhone 74 Retweets 4 Quote Tweets 979 Likes

Evidence that Kids Are Weird and Stupid People

They're just not good at being people.
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Technically correct jokes and moments that are literally correct | Syndrome @prodbysyndrome taxes are essentially just yearly subscription country live lol childhood is free trial OH MY FUCKING GOD

Clever and Literal Moments That are Technically Correct

That about sums it up.
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Stories of when a dad told someone "don't tell your mother." | checkoutmyaasb 19.9k points 17 hours ago Dad and used rent movie each week mum had dinner with friends. Usually things like star trek or action films. One day about 11) he came home with Blade got about 10 minutes and he turns and said "don't tell mother about this, let's just say forgot get this week course agree. Fast forward 7ish years, dad blithely drops at dinner table fact watched blade about 11. Silly dad thought there some ki

Wholesome and Chaotic "Don't Tell Your Mother" Moments

"Alright, be cool."
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Funny moments and stories of kids being stupid and weird | Bath mat $15 O Edmonton, AB Bath mat sale bought last week and my 1 year old is terrified | child playing video games with an adult but their controller is unplugged

Evidence that Kids are Bizarre and Dumb

They're not smart.
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Funny moments of kids being stupid and strange | Jared Goldstein @heyjaredhey 1d 10 told my mostly white class Japanese and little white girl raised her hand and said can't say Japanese have say Asian and everyone agreed. O 911 277,264 126K Show this thread

Moments that Show Kids are Dumb and Weird

Kids have got dumb brains.
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WTF and crazy things people did to spite their Ex spouse during a divorce | JortsEnthusiast69 4.7k points 2 days ago Once had boss who had leave his house 6 hours while his ex wife grabbed all belongings she legally entitled too he returned home every knob and handle gone. Door knobs, cabinet handles, drawer handles, anything screwed onto something and used open she had taken. Every day next week he would occasionally yell out "SHE TOOK FUCKING KNOBS"

Wild Stuff Divorced People Did to Spite Their Ex

Peoples' pettiness has no bounds.
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Moments, pictures and stories of kids being dumb and strange | unclefather 5 travity-falls youngstero one time at this bar mitzvah at dj emcee guy like "if sock has hole get this piece candy" so this kid tore hole this sock real quick and ran up there and then this dick dj goes "ALL SOCKS HAVE HOLES THEM and starts raining down candy like 's golden hellfire and look at this kid and he's crying while holding his shitty ruined sock Source: youngstero 43,721 notes

Moments of Kids Being Stupid and Weird

They're the future whether you like it or not.
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Scary moments and stories | reddit posted by 10lbturd 7.0k points 23 hours ago heard my dentists say "oh shit" while over tightening my dental implant.

People's "Oh Crap" Moments

Sometimes life hits hard.
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unfortunate moments of chaos | stringy remnants of something that completely melted in a oven. train tracks completely covered by corn kernels.

Moments of Chaos, Misfortune and Failure

Mistakes were made.
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Funny Tumblr moments | sarahsquarah: So this lady came this morning and walked up front desk greet us before gasping loudly and saying forgot my dog" She forgot bring her dog with her vet

A Healthy Mish-Mash of Tumblr Gems

Weird premises, snowballing half-forgotten ideas and overly specific pop-culture lore.
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Unfortunate moments, messes and fails.

Unfortunate Moments of Failure and Chaos

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Funny memes and moments from Tumblr

Bite-Sized Gems from the Mines of Tumblr

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Kids failing, making mistakes, and stories of mistakes people made when they were children.

27 Reasons That Go To Show Kids Are Dumb Little Idiots

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small misfortunes like dropping a pizza or spilling paint

25 Unfortunate Moments That Could've Gone Better

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