
Imagine this being your mom.

'I am his mother, and I get to decide what people call him': Karen sets up meeting with principal because she doesn't like her son's nickname at school

revenge coworkers petty revenge workplace mom coworker - 17502981

Double Revenge: Worker Complains About Terrible Coworker to Mom, Mom Tells Them to Harden Up, They Orchestrate Them Working Together

relatable, parenting, mom, mother, mothers, moms, vacation, day off, summer, summer vacation, chores, cooking, cleaning, laundry, wine, karen, karen video

Relatable Mom Goes Viral for for Showing How Mom’s Never Actually Get a Vacation From Being a Mom, Especially While Vacationing

woman picks mother to be in room during birth over husband

Expecting Mom Chooses Her Mother To Be In Delivery Room Over Husband, Doesn't Understand Why He Is Upset

entitled mom tries stealing iPad using kid as excuse

Entitled Mom Steals iPad, Caught When It Starts Dinging In Her Purse

husband secretly tries to bring mom on trip

Husband Secretly Books His Mom On Husband/Wife Vacation, Wife Nopes Out Of Trip

funny parenting memes

Parenting Tweets For The Ones Out There Doing Their Best

woman skips mother's 5th wedding for job interview, gets job

Woman Skips Mother's 5th Wedding For Job Interview, Internet Supports It

plant mom's family steals and sell plants

Plant Mom's Sister-In-Law and Niece Say They'll Watch Plants, Cut Up And Sell The Pieces

entitled mom demands martial artist not use leg brace

Entitled Mom Demands Martial Artist Remove Knee Brace, Says It's A Competitive Edge

assigned-seat public transportation story entitled ticket seat mom train - 16131333

Entitled Mom Takes Stranger's Reserved Seat, Doesn't Understand Why He's Upset

12 reddit text images mom aita for not wanting to apologize to daughter over injury | thumbnail "AITA for not being sorry that I didn't believe my daughter's knee was hurting? She said she would help me, and I told her we could take her to the emergency room if her knee still hurt by the time the yard work was done. We worked the whole weekend, and she complained a lot, but I was almost certain that she would magically be better by the end of the weekend. This morning though, she said"

Manipulative Mom Thinks Daughter Is Lying About Injury, Forces Her To Do Yardwork, ER Visit 3 Days Later Confirms Sprain

12 reddit images with text surrounding OP and mom's debacle | thumbnail "Now my mom is telling me she's upset that we didn't tell them in person and that my wife wasn't apart of conversation. I explained that my wife was having a rough time and felt uncomfortable with that so I was going to do whatever made her the most comfortable. She is my priority. My mom is insisting that her own needs are just as important in this scenario and that I should've"

Vindictive Mom Tells Son She Is Just As Important As His Pregnant Wife

don't tell your parent stories

People's "Don't Tell Your Mother About This" Moments

Tumblr story about mom who uses fandom words of power to request help

Tumblr User's Mom Discovers Cosplayer Words Of Power To Summon Aid

An entitled mom singlehandedly ends an engagement and gets banned from a restaurant.

Entitled Mom Ends Engagement And Gets Banned From Restaurant