

workplace okay boomer funny boomers funny-millennials funny-work-story millennial-employee funny-boomer-manager-story millennial-job AP-supervisor lol-boomers - 21638405

'What the [hey] was I supposed to do?': AP Supervisor of small company scoffs at manager who's upset that he can't control the WiFi

Well, well, well. How the tables have turned. We millennials and Gen Z might have needed help from an adult or two when we were growing up and didn't know how to boil an egg. But look who STILL doesn't understand new technology—how many times do we need to show you how to use the remote? Reddit user u/GoGoNJDevil recently shared a moment with his manager that truly had him "laughing in millennial." It isn't new to OP that this manager is toxic and rude, and, frankly, annoying. He is already on…
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bad-manager aita employee work-evaluation bad-management r-antiwork millennial-employee toxic-boss workplace gen-z-employee bad bosses Reddit toxic-work-culture - 21282309

'[I told] my boss I won't be staying overtime... [Not even] 5 minutes': Employee lets boss have it after he gets reprimanded for not staying past work hours for unpaid overtime

Is it really that difficult of a concept to grasp that you should pay your employees for their work? The whole “get this bread” mentality that has you working over time for no extra pay is completely whack and millennials and Gen Z are starting to shine light on that. However, there are still employers out there telling you to “show initiative” by staying late and giving up more hours of your life for free. How do these types of employers not see how soul sucking and entitled that is? A guy who…
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antiwork toxic-work-views work culture boomer-grandparents millennials toxic-generational-views millennial-employee toxic-mother-in-law baby boomers mother in law gen z boomers mil boomer-mother-in-law workforce Reddit millennial-parents - 20048901

'I pointedly told her that I AM a millennial and...': Boomer MIL thinks millennials don't want to work, hardworking millennial son-in-law puts her in her place

It is another classic boomer vs millennial dilemma . Here we have a millennial son-in-law having to stand up for his generation (yet again) to his boomer mother-in-law who calls anybody younger than her a millennial, and millennials are lazy folk who don't want to work. This story takes place in an amusement park. A millennial family with the boomer grandparents included, took a spring vacation to an amusement park. The park had just opened for the season, so it wasn't as full of visitors, but…
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how-to-employee work-advice toxic-manager how-to-job-hunt work employee-advice toxic-boss managers Horrible Bosses workforce bad bosses job-hunt-advice job hunting millennial-employee boomer-manager - 19550469

'I finally told my manager that I will NOT be working on anything outside my scope of responsibilities': People share how to stand up for yourself at work

The boomers who raised many of us in the workforce now were taught that if you try your hardest and show the higher ups that you can go above and beyond, then you will be rewarded for your hard work. The boomers worked up their nepotism work chain, so why can't you? The funny thing about advice from boomer as that it is dated and matter of factly, expired. As us millennials and Gen Z start to take over the workforce, we see more and more that no, your hard work does not get rewarded unless you…
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