

Posted Notes Desk

awesome co-workers not boredom cubicle boredom cubicle prank dickhead co-workers dickheads inside joke menu mess paper signs pizza prank pwned sass screw you wasteful wiseass wrapping wtf - 3391714048

I Can't Exactly Spit Outside, Can I?

awesome co-workers not basic instructions busted depressing dickhead co-workers elevator gnar gross lazy mess nasty paper signs rude Sad screw you signage spit stupid - 3745598720
Created by Mighty Asian Thunder

Excel At Making Videogame Characters

basic instructions bathroom boredom busted clever creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle fail cubicle prank depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads ergonomics excel ingenuity mega man mess paper signs rage Sad sass screw you spreadsheet tragedy video games wasteful wiseass - 3421181440
Created by

Cleanup in the Copy Room...

Via LittleSarahR

Cleanup on Aisle Ten!

monday thru friday cheese mess grocery store - 8405972224
Via randeerule

It's Going to Be a Long Day...

monday thru friday spill food mess - 8405950976
Via Dustjackan

And You Think YOU Have Some Filing to Do?

files monday thru friday shelves mess g rated - 8341175552
Via The Bored Ninja

So That's the Guy Who Always Leaves a Mess in the Grocery Store

grocery store monday thru friday skeleton spill mess - 8333018368
Via RoyLee_Jenkins

Who Wants a Delicious Smoothie?

whoops mess - 8333143552
Via Haganblount

Look! We Made it Snow!

kids parenting mess - 8329207808
Via Dump a Day

Never Trust a Silent Child

kids parenting mess g rated - 8315901184
Via p****allergy

What Do You Mean, "Bath Time"?

kids parenting mess - 8314031360
Via theCHIVE

Who's the Culprit?

dogs kids parenting mess - 8310396160
Via Izismile

That One Coworker...

monday thru friday coworkers mess cubicle - 8294117120
Via Izismile

You Mean This Isn't What Butter's For?

kids butter parenting mess - 8296178944
Via Nomorecah

At Least Your Kids Eat Their Vegetables

vegetables kids parenting mess g rated - 8286677760
Via Izismile