

From Now On I'm Only Wearing Pants With One Pocket

meme - 5351051264

The Squashalypse WIN

halloween holiday meme nerdgasm pop culture pumpkins troll - 5345976832
Created by cow41087

The Definition of 'Miracle' Has Really Gone Downhill

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Created by meganeguard

Do the Job that's Right for You, Eh?

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Are You Asking to Be My iPhone Cover? I'm Not Hearing a No...

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This Baby Gets No Respect

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The Cake that's Also a Hint

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Via reddit

All at Once, College Grads: "FFFFFFUUUUUUUUU"

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So I Got on His Back, in the Kitchen

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Is That a Pillow in Your Bedspread, or Are You Just Glad to See Me?

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Thanks for All the Grade-A Advice, Clippy

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The Big Finish

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It Seemed Like a Good Trick at the Time

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You Can't Blame them For Consistency

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Via reddit

Well, if Spongebob was on at 6:00 on a Monday...

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Created by stacibug8100

Meme Monday: Deep and Insightful Contemplation

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