
medical school

'Why don't you just parent your child?': Mother lets child loose during father's medical school graduation, so crowd begins to parent them

'Why don't you just parent your child?': Mother lets child loose during father's medical school graduation, so crowd begins to parent them

Sometimes the village has to step in… and parent someone else's child. This is probably one of the most sensitive topics in the world, as parents often feel like failures, just like you and your imposter syndrome at work. Am I doing this right? I shouldn't have yelled at them like that. Why haven't they brushed their teeth yet and WHAT IS UP WITH THEIR MUSIC? Many thoughts go through parents' heads, and not all of them are pretty. We are all human, and taking care of another human is really har…
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'The school claims to care immensely about student mental health... yeah right! We decided to teach them a lesson.' : Veterinary Students Fed up With Toxic School System, Cue Malicious Compliance

'The school claims to care immensely about student mental health... yeah right! We decided to teach them a lesson.' : Veterinary Students Fed up With Toxic School System, Cue Malicious Compliance

The students were told they had the “option” to come to the lab early but it became rapidly clear that this was an expectation (not an "option”), and that they had to skip lunch in order to achieve this.
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