

Scorned deli employee gets revenge on boss by outing his cheating habits to his wife: 'She looked at him. Looked at me. And couldn't say a word'

Scorned deli employee gets revenge on boss by outing his cheating habits to his wife: 'She looked at him. Looked at me. And couldn't say a word'

This person realized that it's never too late to get petty with a bad boss. In fact, sometimes waiting to reveal your hand can make things worse for that person! Up next, these people explained what it's like to be around their out-of-touch wealthy friends, like one woman who encouraged a commercial flight to hurry up by telling another passenger, “ Go have a word with the captain … Tell him who you are.”
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family drama aita baby names reddit story family feud married life parenting etiquette family reddit thread married Parenting Fail parents - 35646725

Mother mad at scientist husband for secretly naming their daughter after an insect: 'She said I had taken advantage of her trust'

Something is really bugging this couple, and it's the name of their daughter. Specifically, the fact that she was named after a genus of cicada without the wife's knowledge. See, the husband is an entomologist (insect scientist) and made a suggestion for their daughter's name when the pair had run into complications with the previous name they were interested in. The problem is that when the husband made the name suggestion, he did so while withholding the fact that the name was actually a genu…
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family drama aita funny stories kids reddit story married life parenting etiquette family reddit thread married funny parenting - 28078853

Dad tricks picky kids into eating mushrooms, mom's not having it: 'I run it through the blender'

When you're a kid, there's plenty of stuff that you don't want to eat, the sheer existence of it being abhorrent and causing your stomach to turn. Your parent's attempts to trick and force you to eat it are unsuccessful. Try as they might to present it to you in new or disguised ways; your disgust remains. I remember loving my mom's mac and cheese as a kid until I one day saw her making it and witnessed her pouring some sludge labeled “cream of mushroom” into the mix. Cream of mushroom? I had u…
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Entitled Karen Bride pressures Instagram user with same name to change her handle: 'I actually don't believe that [is] your name'

Entitled Karen Bride pressures Instagram user with same name to change her handle: 'I actually don't believe that [is] your name'

There is a strange thing that happens to people when they get engaged. They seem to develop a strong case of main character syndrome almost as soon as a ring appears on their finger. This entitled bride tried to pressure an Instagram user with the same name to give up her handle, which the user refused to do because she heard she could get banned by doing that (a totally fair reason). What's particularly entertaining about this Karen is how quickly she went from being slightly audacious to biza…
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entitled people karma wait waiting line customer service karen married marriage husband rank wife reddit

'Unless he's [next in line], it really doesn't matter': Entitled wife tries to pull her husband's rank to cut the line, gets shut down by a sassy desk attendant

You're not just 'somebody's wife'–you're a nobody who refused to take a number and wait your turn...
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'It went to an awkward silence until James left for the day': Employee questions coworker's constant remarks about his wife, coworkers can't agree if they went too far

'It went to an awkward silence until James left for the day': Employee questions coworker's constant remarks about his wife, coworkers can't agree if they went too far

Yikes… this person has an awkward question for their coworker . It’s not every day you ask someone why they’re married. The answer should be obvious: they’re married because they love each other and want to build a life together. But this worker, sharing their story from a throwaway account, was baffled why their coworker James had ever married his wife. James seems like he’s one of those husbands who “pretends” to hate his wife. He calls her the old ball and chain, and acts like she just nags…
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'If I were your wife I’d ask for an IQ test': Podcast advice causes new father to ruin his marriage

'If I were your wife I’d ask for an IQ test': Podcast advice causes new father to ruin his marriage

If you're asking the internet, “Did I ruin my marriage?” the answer may already be clear.
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'The groom's Dad stood up and loudly said, "It's not too late, son!"': 25+ Wedding ceremony objectors who couldn't resist halting the ceremony

'The groom's Dad stood up and loudly said, "It's not too late, son!"': 25+ Wedding ceremony objectors who couldn't resist halting the ceremony

You know what they always say at weddings: “Speak now, or forever hold your peace.” In most cases, the phrase is just ornamental. It seems obvious that in most cases there's nothing to speak about, because it's really only the newlyweds' opinions which matter on their special day.
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insane crazy marriage secret creepy story creepy interesting wife ex off my chest husband computer Reddit laptop married true crime wild betrayal - 25039621

Married man finds a secret folder on his wife's laptop where he makes a spine-chilling discovery: 'There were over 300 photos of MY ex'

Pretty sure this is the premise of a couple true crime stories...
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'My husband picked up a shift at work on our wedding night': 20+ Unforgettably bad weddings

'My husband picked up a shift at work on our wedding night': 20+ Unforgettably bad weddings

Maybe you can't recall the best wedding you've ever been to, but the worst one probably comes to mind instantly. Every couple wants their wedding to be memorable in the right way. They want guests to gush over the decorations, talk about how delicious the food is, and dance late in the night until their feet are sore. It's supposed to be fun… but a lot of weddings end up being so much work that the guests hardly get to enjoy themselves. A common factor seems to be the brides and grooms who plan…
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ex ex-husband husband wife marriage married divorce best-friend cheater cheating friendship friends bestie best-friend petty petty-revenge revenge reddit thread

'BOOM, nothing but Bluey': Petty bestie gets revenge on her friend's cheating ex-husband by 'babyfying' his Netflix account

There are few luxuries that a cheating ex can remain privy to after a divorce… and free-reign of the communal Netflix account is NOT included in this alimony.
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‘Don’t call me honey': Waitress scores a $50 tip after being asked to act extra chummy, pranking a woman's salty husband into a better mood

Nobody knows how to push a person's buttons quite like a spouse.
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'I asked all the guests to contribute a "meal fee"': Newlywed won't feed their family members at their reception

'I asked all the guests to contribute a "meal fee"': Internet scolds newlywed who refuses to feed their family members at their reception

When this newlywed told the internet they “could use some judgement” about their wedding, the internet did not hold back. They told the OP exactly what they thought about some pretty strange wedding plans. It's no secret that weddings are expensive. It's basically the first thing you learn when you start researching: the prices are outrageous for everything from the venue to the food to the DJ. Unless you're planning to throw on a tee shirt and elope from the local court house, you're probably…
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reddit thread family drama aita childfree children child kids having-kids parent parents parenting in-laws wife husband married marriage babies baby pressure couple

'Back off and wait for us to be ready': Childfree couple snaps when tenacious parents pressure them to have kids immediately

When you're in your late 20's or your early 30's, if you've been in a semi-stable relationship for more than 5 minutes, nosy relatives start coming out of the woodwork. You've heard the phrase ‘it takes a village’, but never thought it meant the village coming after your ever-fruitful loins, chasing you with baby-mongering pitchforks and flaming fertility torches.
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'Your granny is a petty revenge master': Family RSVPs for wedding, then doesn't show up

'Your granny is a petty revenge master': Family RSVPs for wedding, then doesn't show up

‘Your granny is a petty revenge master’
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christmas marriage petty-revenge-reddit christmas tree revenge-stories petty revenge parenting christmas lights married revenge-stories-reddit parents family drama family - 23330309

'We never put lights on the tree': Son shares how his father's Christmas lie changed the course of family Christmas for 30 years

Families and tradition are synonymous with one another; it might be as simple as some small silly thing that you do together every year during the holidays, or it might be a serious, all-encompassing system of decorum that members must abide by. As most of us aren't part of some pseudo-royalty billionaire trust or vying for the succession of our father's multinational mass media company—chances are, more often than not, that most of our family traditions land towards the sillier end of the spec…
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