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Wife takes a firm stance and refuses to put his name on joint presents that he didn't purchase after he forgets to buy his own gifts: 'He didn't help so he didn't get credit'

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Fiancée demands $25,000 of $50,000 bonus to give to her parents for their mortgage: 'You’re already showing you don’t care about the people who matter to me'

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Husband hogs TV and living space while wife entertains weekend guest, wife calls him self-centered: 'I truly attempted to give my perspective without being hostile but he still got mad'

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Husband confronts pop-star-obsessed 42-year-old wife after she goes all out with themed Christmas decorations: ‘She had decorated the Christmas tree entirely with Taylor Swift-themed ornaments…’

34-year-old wife checks 37-year-old husband's dashcam footage, discovers he dumped their "missing" 13-year-old dog: '[He] drove off without her'

34-year-old wife checks 37-year-old husband's dashcam footage, discovers he dumped their "missing" 13-year-old dog: '[He] drove off without her'

Caterer scams bride and groom, bails on the day of the wedding, leaving the wedding planner scrambling: 'This is my worst nightmare as a planner'

Caterer scams bride and groom, bails on the day of the wedding, leaving the wedding planner scrambling: 'This is my worst nightmare as a planner'

Kid discovers he's the product of his birth parents' extra-marital affair, they try to go no-contact with him, he gets even by telling their spouses the truth

Kid discovers he's the product of his birth parents' extra-marital affair, they try to go no-contact with him, he gets even by telling their spouses the truth

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34-year-old brother-in-law wants paid vacation after telling 30-year-old woman she's a "gold digger" because of her high-earning husband: 'He’s upset, and my in-laws are saying I’m making a big deal out of nothing'

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'[He] divorced his wife... because she would sleep with a nightlight': 20+ Outrageous reasons couples chose to divorce

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'He tries to act like it's a happy coincidence': Grocery store employee gets revenge two years in the making

20+ Dramatic Wedding Moments Forever Immortalized on Camera

20+ Dramatic Wedding Moments Forever Immortalized on Camera

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Husband buys $160k worth of baseball cards behind his wife's back and doesn't think he's done anything wrong: 'He claims I'm trying to get even with him'

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'He's jealous of me': Boss wife bullies her own husband at work and tells their coworkers his secrets, wonders if she's the bad guy

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'She's deluded': Husband rudely refuses to leave the family boot dryer at home, turns out she was trying to surprise him with a new one

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'Now I don't fill the tray': Couple's hilariously petty ice-tray standoff freezes over

'They were wearing gym clothes and brought their lawyers': 15+ Wedding photographers who knew the couple was headed for a breakup before the ceremony ended

'They were wearing gym clothes and brought their lawyers': 15+ Wedding photographers who knew the couple was headed for a breakup before the ceremony ended

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