

‘His mother cheated [and] I was quickly replaced’: Teen son makes it clear that he prefers his step-dad over his bio-dad, so bio-dad makes it clear he prefers his new wife over his son

‘His mother cheated [and] I was quickly replaced’: Teen son makes it clear that he prefers his step-dad over his bio-dad, so bio-dad makes it clear he prefers his new wife over his son

“I’m really tired of the idea that parents are somehow obligated to just take endless meanness, neglect, and general nastiness from their teenage/adult children…”
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'I say, she can't take back what happened': Estranged step-mom tries to weasel her way into the wedding party of the step-daughter she ignored for 11 years, Father gets upset when bride puts her foot down

'I say, she can't take back what happened': Estranged step-mom tries to weasel her way into the wedding party of the step-daughter she ignored for 11 years, Father gets upset when bride puts her foot down

We all know the story of Cinderella and her wicked stepmother (and step-sisters). It was heart-wrenching to see such a wholesome girl be cast aside by someone who was, at least supposed to be her mother figure. But, that was just a fairytale and, of course, it has a happy ending. That being said, fairytales have some aspects of real life in them…
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family drama marraige in laws parents relationships family feud family drama aita family-drama-stories - 20402437

'AITA for adjusting the thermostat at my in-law's house and not letting them adjust it at mine?': Family's thermostat battle heats up

Few family arguments get more—well… heated than the arguments that emerge over the thermostat and its setting. With different groups and subgroups of people fiercely insisting on wildly different settings that agree with their specific preferences—things can get cold-blooded. Speaking of cold-blooded: That's exactly what this guy's lizard-person relatives are. Who in their right mind chooses to exist in 80 ° F heat when you could just as easily not? These in-laws must spend most of their time b…
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