

'Enjoy the wake up call!': Corporal talks back to commanding officer, gets malicious compliance during night watch

'Enjoy the wake up call!': Corporal talks back to commanding officer, gets malicious compliance during night watch

Someone's got to take the night shift , but of course, no one really wants to. Working overnight means that you have to force yourself to stay awake for hours, even as you start to feel loopy and exhausted. Your body is screaming at you to get some rest, but you have to keep walking around and keep busy in order to keep your eyes open. By the time your shift is over, you're happy to crash into bed and sleep all day. But, you know, during the day is when everyone else is awake and doing all thei…
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commanding-officer co officer malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit military military-malicious-compliance marines - 21410053

'A tank crew pulling comm wire from the undercarriage': Lieutenant's dumb command gets maliciously complied with to disastrous results

If you're going to approach leadership with the attitude that everyone should obey everything you ask without question—you should probably think twice about every command that you order. Because when your subordinates follow every command without question or thought, you might end up with some results that you didn't anticipate. It's no secret that this attitude is often prevalent in the military… and for good reason too. After all, the last thing you want is to have a soldier decide to go off…
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pro revenge scammer revenge military scammers prorevenge marines scam reddit thread Reddit - 17794053

Foreign Serviceman Scammed By US Marine, Wife Brings Concerted Wrath Down Upon Him

This Wife sought vengeance after her husband, an Australian serviceman, was scammed by a US Marine. With clever tactics, she brought the incident to the attention of his superiors and made it an embarrassing problem for them. Woe be upon you if you cause embarrassment for the top brass. This story was posted to Reddit's r/ ProRevenge subreddit by Reddit user u/AussieTopCat, who is an Australian serviceman's (ex) wife. Her husband, she explains, loves to trade and collect military insignia from…
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cooking gordon ramsay awesome military marines - 107192065

Gordon Ramsay Trains And Cooks With Marines

Bit out of his element.
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Guy lies about being a marine and then gets catfished back by the person he texted | Hey are Sorry who is this 's Justin Justin marine met awhile back Sorry can send picture or something ?1 really don't remember

Guy Lies About Being Marine, Gets Catfished Back

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US South Korea marine dance off

US Marines Have Dance Off With South Korean Marines

This was awesome.
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marines singing to flight attendant during plane ride Sweet Caroline

Marines Returning Home Sing To Flight Attendant

A true golden moment.
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military marines ridiculous army funny - 100320257

Sarge's Reactions To Marine Corps Questions Are Comedy Gold

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Former marine shares his opinion on video games in an in-depth Twitter thread.

Former Marine's Opinion On Realistic War Video Games

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military relationships cheating marines army Video dating - 99456257

Marine Catches His Girlfriend Cheating By Using Fake Facebook Profile

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Girl makes sure that her ex-boyfriend doesn't get into the marines by providing an honest character reference about him being abusive.

Girl Makes Sure Her Abusive Ex-Boyfriend Doesn't Get Into Marines By Providing Honest Character Reference

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modern warfare tweets by former marine

A Former Marine's Opinion On Realistic War Games (22 Tweets)

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sea ocean eels marines Video - 488710

Eel Vs Eel Engage In An Intensely Mesmerizing Duel

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military freakout Meltdown marines angry army Video - 408070

Real Marine Loses It When He Sees Fake Veteran Scam

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Video of marine explaining why / how he stole a truck to save the Las Vegas victims.

Marine Steals Truck To Rescue Vegas Victims, Gets Perfect Text From Owner

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Female Marine Gets Pepper Sprayed During Training And Has Hilarious Reaction

Female Marine Gets Pepper Sprayed During Training And Has Hilarious Reaction

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