
Make my co-workers cry I will help karma turn your life upside down.

'He was... gaming the system': Sneaky guest acts like a 'major jerk' until quick-thinking hotel employee gets pro revenge on him

malicious compliance karen customers customer customer service Retail service industry manager managers work-story workplace-stories story

'Find those muffins!!': Karen customer demands nonexistent muffins, manager demands their procurement

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'I got to enjoy a comfortable 40-hour week': Tyranical manager bans overtime "without approval," overworked employees gladly comply

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'It's my business now': Incompetent new owner tanks business by meddling with crucial employee, leaves and takes clients with them

Woman at work accused me of vaping in the bathroom because “I can smell it on you.”

'I can smell it on you': Karen coworker falsely accuses employee of vaping in the bathroom, tries to get him fired

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'Sorry, I've got a new job now': Boss insists employee delete all backup files in order to save money, has major regrets

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Funniest Retail Memes for Exhausted Employees Who Aren't Paid Enough to Deal With Karens

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'Work a double and get written up... or...': Every worker quits when manager tries to write them up for working a double shift to help out

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'Delete your files and leave': New boss fired after making analyst redundant and telling him to delete his "worthless" files, cost company $2.5 million

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US Army Company Clerk Gets Clerical Revenge On Toxic Commander and Ruins His Career

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'My boss's act of revenge': Manager sells $400k of electronics to employees at insane prices after uncovering company's plan to close store

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Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (February 21, 2023)

‘You Want Me to Work More Hours for Less Money?!’ : Employee Get’s $2 Pay Cut as Part of ‘Promotion’ ; She Quits, Writes Up Complaint for HR, Instigating a Multi Meeting Series of Discussions, Leading To Petty Revenge

‘You Want Me to Work More Hours for Less Money?!’ : Employee Get’s $2 Pay Cut as Part of ‘Promotion’ ; She Quits, Writes Up Complaint for HR, Instigating a Multi Meeting Series of Discussions, Leading To Petty Revenge

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'This is extremely inappropriate': Manager's stupid trauma-sharing "icebreaker" generates some unexpected results, leaves internet bewildered

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Funniest Work From Home Memes for Antisocial Employees Who Love Daytime Pajamas and Having Their Pets As Coworkers (February 16, 2023)

‘You Better Come In to Work!’ : Entitled Nepo-Baby Boss Attempts to Force Employee to Work on PTO and Paternity Leave, Leading To Calculated Malicious Compliance That Even the Boss's Dad Couldn’t Get Him Out Of

‘You Better Come In to Work!’ : Entitled Nepo-Baby Boss Attempts to Force Employee to Work on PTO and Paternity Leave, Leading To Calculated Malicious Compliance That Even the Boss's Dad Couldn’t Get Him Out Of