malicious compliance

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'You want me to intentionally break a client's new computer?': Employee insists coworker give 'bad customer service,' coworker breaks customer's computer with new software

'[He was] trying to count thousands of boxes before the deadline': Factory CFO changes inventory schedule, factory stops shipping orders while employees are overwhelmed with the task

'[He was] trying to count thousands of boxes before the deadline': Factory CFO changes inventory schedule, factory stops shipping orders while employees are overwhelmed with the task

'CEO [told] me to help them with my old accounts or he'll sue me': CEO ignores former employee's warnings about outdated system, leads to decade-spanning malicious compliance

'CEO [told] me to help them with my old accounts or he'll sue me': CEO ignores former employee's warnings about outdated system, leads to decade-spanning malicious compliance

'Don't mess with my gardens': City officials tell family their garden is 'overgrowing,' family brings in experts to protect their plants

'Don't mess with my gardens': City officials tell family their garden is 'overgrowing,' family brings in experts to protect their plants

'Drop everything now': Manager's micromanaging demand backfires after he interrupts an employee who is busy working on CEO's task

'Drop everything now': Manager's micromanaging demand backfires after he interrupts an employee who is busy working on CEO's task

'Think about whether you want to keep working here': Employee makes small mistake, boss loses it, give ultimatum, employee maliciously complies

'Think about whether you want to keep working here': Temperamental boss loses it and gives ultimatum, employee maliciously complies

customer support customer service malicious compliance retail retail worker customer - 23365637

'I still got [it] for a cheaper price': Cashier refuses to honor "online only" price, dude orders it online right in front of them

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'This instructor got such a bee in her bonnet about my boots': Nursing instructor tries to flunk student over their choice of shoes

‘You can do it yourself’: Underpaid employee gets $10,000 raise after taking PTO on a whim, due to being on the brink of being replaced

‘You can do it yourself’: Underpaid employee gets $10,000 raise after taking PTO on a whim, due to being on the brink of being replaced

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'The next morning I had many missed calls': Overburdened restaurant closer refuses to work late, surprises bosses with messy restaurant and their two week notice

'Have fun running the place without me': Coffee shop owner tells manager working 100 hours per week to take time off, manager blocks all work numbers and lets the business fall apart while they're gone

'Have fun running the place without me': Coffee shop owner tells manager working 100 hours per week to take time off, manager blocks all work numbers and lets the business fall apart while they're gone

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'We outsmarted an ancient Red Dragon': DND players outwit dungeon boss with nerdy malicious compliance

‘His eyes got real big’: Manager demands IT employee stop fixing laptop and work on ‘corporate equipment only’, employee calls up CEO who requested the repair

‘His eyes got real big’: Manager demands IT employee stop fixing laptop and work on ‘corporate equipment only’, employee calls up CEO who requested the repair

'Take it up to my dad, the CEO': Nepo-baby pulls rank on coworkers

'Take it up to my dad, the CEO': Nepo-baby pulls rank on coworkers, they begin to 'plan her downfall'

Update: '[I] woke the CEO up at midnight': Night shift worker calls 200 tech support clients in the middle of the night after boss tells them he 'doesn't want excuses'

Update: '[I] woke the CEO up at midnight': Night shift worker calls 200 tech support clients in the middle of the night after boss tells them he 'doesn't want excuses'

'Karen [said] I had no right to do that': Karen throws fit over neighbor's new fence, turns out she was 10 feet over the property line

'Karen [said] I had no right to do that': Karen throws fit over neighbor's new fence, turns out she was 10 feet over the property line