malicious compliance

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance karen-customer work customers semi truck delivery driver trucker workplace delivery workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25667845

Client demands frequent updates about their truckload of onions, trucker maliciously complies: 'You want updates? I will give you all the updates'

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs tech support job malicious compliance web designer work programmers designer workplace Tech workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35457285

Boss tells web designer they can't say "no" to user requests, they find a loophole by rewriting the rulebook: 'Oh, I'm sorry, as per the Web Update Guide we can't do this...'

'Nobody else in the office could do what I was doing': Store owner refuses to hire a new HVAC dispatcher until the last minute because he thinks they're "bluffing"

'Nobody else in the office could do what I was doing': Store owner refuses to hire a new HVAC dispatcher until the last minute because he thinks they're "bluffing"

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35459589

Boss takes away employee's flexibility they take leave and start looking for other work: 'Boss wanted to take away the only reason I stayed in the company'

VP goes against qualified employee's word, revenue drops 80%, employee gets more company perks after fallout: 'Just got a bigger office farther away from people'

VP goes against qualified employee's word, revenue drops 80%, employee gets more company perks after fallout: 'Just got a bigger office farther away from people'

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35440133

'Work completion rates dropped by over 50%': New manager tries to tackle inefficiency by having workers drive directly to site, accidentally makes everyone waste more time

'Fine, I will water ALL the plants': Teenager gets back at parent who asked them to do chores

'Fine, I will water ALL the plants': Resentful teenager gets back at parent who asked them to do chores

'I won't be doing anything out of my job description': Warehouse employee gets in trouble for doing extra work, maliciously complies and causes whole company to go under

'I won't be doing anything out of my job description': Warehouse employee gets in trouble for doing extra work, maliciously complies and causes whole company to go under

‘You will get what you deserve’: Employee stands firm against rebellious customer's rush for service, causing delays for dozens in line

‘You will get what you deserve’: Employee stands firm against rebellious customer's rush for service, causing delays for dozens in line

Teacher makes student do corrections on essay despite no feedback, cue malicious compliance: 'I rewrote my entire essay... word for word... TWICE!'

Teacher makes student do essay corrections despite no feedback, cue malicious compliance: 'I rewrote my entire essay... word for word... TWICE!'

'I'm in full compliance with the city, just like you wanted': Neighbor calls next-door's fence an "eyesore," is forced to remove the fence on his own

'I'm in full compliance with the city, just like you wanted': Neighbor calls next-door's fence an "eyesore," is forced to remove the fence on his own

management boss employee employment-discussion malicious compliance work Horrible Bosses paycheck reddit thread payment Reddit employment in the workplace - 35393029

'One big problem is we are given way too much time': Management enforces employees be paid for exact project time only, employees rebel by taking maximum time to complete tasks

'The yellow line is where my responsibility ends': Woman "pushes her luck" to get groundskeeper to cut back all her ivy

'The yellow line is where my responsibility ends': Woman "pushes her luck" to get groundskeeper to cut back all her ivy

customer service employee drama job malicious compliance retail work customers tales from the front desk petty revenge baby boomers boomers entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 35367941

'Nothing slowed this man down but other customers putting him in his place': Entitled Boomer claims he has a medical condition and can't wait in line, waiting customers stand up for employees

customer service workplace discussion pro revenge karens workplace-stories entitled parents jobs petty-revenge-reddit job malicious compliance revenge karen-customer work customers revenge-stories petty revenge karens in the wild workplace entitled revenge-stories-reddit karen workplace malicious compliance entitled people employment in the workplace - 35356933

Builder gets back at Karen celebrity for trying to obstruct their building site: 'I went ahead and called the police'

workplace discussion pro revenge workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance revenge work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35335941

Boss fires video editor after setting impossible targets, video editor ensures their boss gets fired: 'my manager presented my KPI of 85 3-10 minute videos in 52 weeks which was impossible'