
'You out-lawyered the lawyer': Divorced ex requests years of receipts, dude

'You out-lawyered the lawyer': Divorced ex demands years of receipts, cue malicious compliance

Cut my salary in half? Kiss your business goodbye

'Cut my salary in half? Kiss your business goodbye': Boss gives hardworking employee's salary to new worker, employees band together to tank the company

'I've started selling to coworkers': Employee creates loophole for herself and coworkers after bosses dress code her

'I've started selling to coworkers': Employee creates loophole for herself and coworkers after bosses dress code her

 'The grin slid off his face and his mouth went agape': Employee foils the plans of customer who thought he found a loophole

'The grin slid off his face and his mouth went agape': Employee foils the plans of scam artist who thought he found a loophole

'[She] ends up deleting our only copy': Micromanager reassigned after randomly wiping IT department's tech devices

'[She] ends up deleting our only copy': Micromanager reassigned after randomly wiping IT department's tech devices

professor funny stories students malicious compliance malicious-compliance-stories malicious-compliance-reddit teachers teacher Professors funny college student - 21107973

'The instructor walked away, shaking his head': Student's terrible handwriting trumps forensic expert

'I had proof I was within my rights': Tenant turns parking spot she can't use into rentable space after manager insists she has to pay up

'I had proof I was within my rights': Tenant turns parking spot she can't use into rentable space after manager insists she has to pay up

'This was the most expensive office party in the history of the company': Boss spends 6k to throw his employees an unforgettable office BBQ

'This was the most expensive office party in the history of the company': Boss spends 6k to throw his employees an unforgettable office BBQ

'I have to pay for that $0.10 personal call charge? Done.': Company charges employees $0.10 for personal calls, employee makes processing that fee cost more than that

'I have to pay for that $0.10 personal call charge? Done.': Company charges employees $0.10 for personal calls, employee makes processing that fee cost more than that

‘You want to work, then work’: Manager authorizes overtime despite company policy, leading to hundreds of hours of OT; corporate come for management

‘You want to work, then work’: Manager authorizes overtime despite company policy, leading to hundreds of hours of OT; corporate come for management

company ceo boss manager general-manager c-level employee employees work work-story reddit antiwork malicious-compliance upper-management drama revenge petty coworker report

'The company was run by a bunch of disorganized idiots': Employee gets revenge on upper management by going above-and-beyond with petty reports; never get's micromanaged again

karens airport security malicious compliance airport malicious-compliance-reddit entitled stories karen karen-story entitled people flying airport-karen - 20983557

'I very much doubt he made his flight': Dude is rude to airport security, they select him for a thorough search

‘I don't work for you anymore': IT manager quits, then cuts off entire company's internet service, leading to company 3 day shutdown

‘I don't work for you anymore': IT manager quits, then cuts off entire company's internet service, leading to company 3 day shutdown

cook workplace-malicious-compliance owner malicious compliance tales-from-the-workplace coworkers malicious-compliance-reddit chef food service workplace service industry - 20983045

'Shakers filled with parm cheese that molded': Chef gets revenge on terrible restaurant owner after they change the terms of their contract

cook cooking funny stories malicious compliance spicy malicious-compliance-reddit spicy food chef chefs - 20911877

'He delivered': Dudes request ultra-spicy wings, chef gives them their wish

‘If you do that again, you’re fired’: Employee flips the script on Ccworker who attempts to get them fired via HR complaint, then gets promoted

‘If you do that again, you’re fired’: Employee flips the script on coworker who attempts to get them fired via HR complaint, then gets promoted