malicious compliance reddit

'I won't leave this store until I get my refund': Customer faced with strict returns policy finds a way to get full refund

'I won't leave this store until I get my refund': Customer faced with strict returns policy, finds a way to get full refund

''Some professors really shouldn't teach': Student gets bad grade on midterm because teacher made him rush, cue malicious compliance for the final

''Some professors really shouldn't teach': Student gets bad grade on midterm because teacher made him rush, cue malicious compliance for the final

'Every piece of paper?': Office cleaner agrees to clean off everyone's desks after boss says she's 'very disappointed'

'Every piece of paper?': Office cleaner agrees to clean off everyone's desks after boss says she's 'very disappointed' in her work

'Haven't you boys heard that the customer is always right?': Alpha male customer thinks he can lift a sofa bed singlehandedly, then damages his own furniture and truck

'Haven't you boys heard that the customer is always right?': Alpha male customer thinks he can lift a sofa bed singlehandedly, then damages his own furniture and truck

'You do your job and I'll do mine': Warehouse supervisor interrupts operations, gets upset with employee when they don't tell him how to do his job

'You do your job and I'll do mine': Warehouse supervisor interrupts operations, gets upset with employee when they don't tell him how to do his job

‘You don't have any authority here': Military officer's wife tries to use her husband's rank to boss one of the soldiers around; it backfires

‘You don't have any authority here': Military officer's wife tries to use her husband's rank to boss one of the soldiers around; it backfires

'I was just a naive younger adult... who thought some companies really cared': Deli employee cite safety concerns during exit interview, gets pressured into rewriting letter by their bosses

'I... thought some companies really cared': Deli employee cite safety concerns during exit interview, gets bullied into rewriting letter by their bosses

'It took just 2 days for the client to... reach out to me': Chat support team manager writes honest analyses of their employees and sends it to their client

'It took just 2 days for the client to... reach out to me': Chat support team manager writes honest analyses of their employees and sends it to their client

'Cut off our electricity? No problem!': Exes disagree over who will pay electric bill, ex-girlfriend won't answer texts until debt collectors show up

'Cut off our electricity? No problem!': Exes disagree over who will pay electric bill, ex-girlfriend won't answer texts until debt collectors show up

'Let's see how that works out for you': Car dealer caps salespeople's commission, sales team bands together

'Let's see how that works out for you': Car dealer caps salespeople's commission, sales team bands together to make them regret it

'This led to them doubling down on their stupidity': Business docks employees' pay for leaving work 59 minutes early, employee calls their bluff and takes them to court

'This led to them doubling down on their stupidity': Business docks employees' pay for leaving work 9 minutes early, employee calls their bluff and takes them to court

'I call it karma': Worker gets even with non-tipping customer after crossing paths with them at their workplace

'I call it karma': Worker gets even with non-tipping customer after crossing paths with them at their workplace

'They just put themselves in a world of pain from the IRS': Employee deletes all of client's data per their request, then plays the waiting game

'They just put themselves in a world of pain from the IRS': Employee deletes all of client's data per their request, then plays the waiting game

'We were told we weren't using enough twine': Distribution center employees spend 7 hours wrapping an order for their coworkers

'We were told we weren't using enough twine': Distribution center employees spend 7 hours wrapping an order for their constantly complaining coworkers

‘Don’t go through them too fast’: Supervisor tells employee to slow down productivity, cue malicious compliance

‘Don’t go through them too fast’: Supervisor tells employee to slow down productivity, cue malicious compliance

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'For every one [text] I sent him, he received 30': Man gets petty revenge on brother by running up his phone bill, costing him a job