

Cops stop driver for traffic violation, he tears up his own cash

'You're gonna...make this even worse for yourself?': Cops stop driver for traffic violation, driver tears up his own cash

This guy had an interesting reaction to being pulled over by police . As police officers approached this dude's vehicle, they informed him that he was about to get a ticket. The price of the ticket is a mere $10, which is probably the cheapest ticket I've ever heard of. But nevertheless, this guy began to freak out, all while the passenger next to him stares ahead in silence. There's no amount of cash that's worth tearing up for this reason. However, the driver justifies the decision by insisti…
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karen-kyle boomer-karen male-karen Justice-served petty revenge Reddit karma karen karen-story - 21173509

'I can handle an old Boomer that doesn't like my clothes': Karen delivery guy throws hateful tantrum, employee gets it all on camera and justice gets served

Nothing is more satisfying than a Karen getting what they deserve. Whether it was 100% karma from the universe or you helping the karma along, boy does it feel good. Recently, a person shared a story on Reddit about how they put in the effort and then karma did the rest. And by karma we mean the male Karen this person encountered simply kept digging his own grave. OP lives in an area that they describe as being not very open minded. They write that they don't fall into the societal's standards…
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kevin karen male-karen soccer little-league referee soccer-game game karma revenge petty-revenge reddit justice put-in-his-place gets-what-he-deserved deserved karens-in-the-wild parents kids

'He landed face first in a puddle of mud': Male Karen gets put in his place after bullying an underaged referee at a kid's soccer game; karma comes back with a vengeance

There's nothing worse than unnecessarily rowdy adults at a children's soccer team. Perhaps everyone thinks their child is a star athlete and is under the impression that their little golden goose is going to the big leagues one day. That may be, but for now, chill out Kevin, your boy is 8 and he's picking the grass in the goal. Sit back down and relax.
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hotel customer service shuts down a male karen

'Yeah, that's not really respectful': Hotel receptionist expertly shutdowns a male Karen customer throwing a tantrum

“Proof that the customer clearly is not always right. 🙌”
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Karen Turns Her Evil Powers on Her Male-Karen Husband and Actually Serves Justice to the Situation

Karen Turns Her Evil Powers on Her Male-Karen Husband and Actually Serves Justice to the Situation

We weren't sure in the beginning, but she had us in the end.
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Movie Theater Manager Successfully Removes Male Karen Throwing a Hissy Fit by Using "Toddler Mom" Energy

Movie Theater Manager Successfully Removes Male Karen Throwing a Hissy Fit by Using "Toddler Mom" Energy

Sometimes even adults need to be treated like kindergarteners.
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