

Judge gets even with local hotel owner for telling worker he'll fire him if he attends jury duty: ‘You can’t fire him because I say so'

Judge gets even with local hotel owner for telling worker he'll fire him if he attends jury duty: ‘You can’t fire him because I say so'

Don't mess with a judge. Bosses think they can get away with anything, and technically, they can get away with a lot, but they can't get away with messing with a judge. The person who attempted this was a hotel owner who told his maintenance worker that he was to do ‘whatever it takes’ to get out of jury duty. He then promptly told the worker that if he failed to do so, he would be fired. The worker was fine with serving, but he was scared of losing his job, so when he was called up to court, h…
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pro revenge landlord maintenance malicious compliance revenge court innocent tenant petty rent Reddit apartment - 24116229

'His face was so red at the end I thought he'd have a heart attack': Landlord takes tenant to court after failing to pay rent, tenant wins and gets 9 months of free rent

The tenant knew he had some leverage in this case, but he never expected it to play out so well for him. The OP in this story formerly would sit in on tenant/landlord disputes for an old job of his, so he knew how to work his way around the court. In fact, the OP actually knew he'd get summoned for not paying his rent…which is exactly why he chose to do so. He wanted to blindside his landlord with all of the unlawful schemes the complex has been trying to pull for the last few years...
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10 text based reddit images, tenant requests air vent be fixed, maintenance comes confirms problem and leaves | thumbnail " u/dangerousknight234 5 days ago 3 I contacted my building's maintenance company because one of the air vents in my apartment is constantly whistling. They came in while I was at work and all they did was leave this note. They didn't fix anything and the whistling continues."

Tenant Puts In Maintenance Request, Technician Confirms Problem And Promptly Leaves

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reddit post about maintenance guy throwing out a notebook

Maintenance Guy Throws Out Fifteen Years Of Important Knowledge

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Man stands up against his landlord

Guy Stands Up To His Incompetent Landlord

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19 People Share Dirty Secrets Of Their Industry

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12 Maintenance People Share the Weirdest Things They've Seen in People's Houses

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Dear Maintenance, We Have A Major Crisis On Hand

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