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“Swifties not welcome:” Why a growing subreddit full of anti-Taylor Swift fans has become the new tabloid magazine

Taylor Swift’s diehard fans, who call themselves “Swifties,” have a reputation (pun intended) for being an intense fandom who will protect their queen no matter what. Swift is one of the most-followed people on Instagram . She makes roughly $13.6 million per concert, and at the time of publication, Swift has been touring for well over 18 months, netting herself more than $2 billion just from ticket sales alone (not including merch or album sales!). She has never been more of a household name th…
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psychotic subscriptions subscription mail snail-mail ups usps magazine magazines revenge petty-revenge neighbor bad-neighbor noisy aggressive crazy passive-aggressive boyfriend girlfriend

'After his psychotic behavior, I had no sympathy': Girlfriend wages 'Mail War' against her BF's neighbor as petty revenge, flooding his mailbox for a prank

Have you ever had a neighbor so foul that you imagined all the horrible things you might say to them if given the chance? Some folks love that sort of confrontation, while others prefer to take a stealthy, covert approach to their revenge. In this case, one couple got some serious revenge on a bad neighbor in the most passive aggressive way: Snail Mail.
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'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

When you work minimum wage jobs, like in retail, grocery, or delivery, for some reason, entitled people seem to think that they can lord themselves over you with no consequences. Sure, part of your job is to provide some sort of service to the customer, but you're certainly not their servant. Karens everywhere would disagree.
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Tumblr story explains that all celebrity clothes are tailored to look good | inkdot This weekend told story which, although kind ashamed admit because holy shit is ever obvious, is kind blowing my mind friend friend won free consultation with Clinton Kelly Not Wear, and she very excited, because she has plus-size body, and wanted some tips on make most her wardrobe fashion culture which deliberately puts her body at disadvantage. Her first question him this do celebrities make plain white

Thread Explains Why Celebrities Always Look Better In Clothes

They're all getting their stuff tailored; it's not fair.
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Magazine and newspaper layout fails that make the content look inappropriate, sinister and filthy.

15 Inappropriate News and Magazine Layout Fails

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50's magazine is way more sexist that you might think

Woman Discovers Magazine From 1958 That Has 129 Weird And Funny Tips On How To Find A Husband

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cover image of failed photoshop, funny

21 Idiotic Photoshop Fails That Bent Physics and Broke Anatomy

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food advertisement secrets

15 Nauseating Food Advertising Secrets

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silly stupid design fails

25 Totally Oafish Design Fails

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photoshop fails

Photoshop Fails to Make You Smile A Human Amount

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funny editorial fails

18 Insane Editorial FAILs That Shouldn't Have Gone to Print

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People are sharing their own versions of Time Person of The Year and the results are gold.

People Create Their Versions Of Time Person Of The Year And Results Are Gold

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Donald Trump Jr. gets a Time cover that makes reference to recent controversy surrounding his collusion with Russia.

Donald Trump Jr.'s Getting Violently Trolled After Receiving His Own Time Magazine Cover

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funny fails, misspellings, mistakes in printed media

20 Hilarious Headline and Editorial FAILs That Make Us Glad We Work on the Internet

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Just Showing the Tip

FAIL reading magazine classic - 8805493504
Via TonyMustang

Time To Wok Your Dog

dogs FAIL magazine food - 8747828992
Created by ChrisChagares
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