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'His budget looked like it was based on costs from the 90s': Prideful parents squander $300,000+ of their retirement funds because they refuse to listen to their experienced son-in-law

We get it... things got complicated when computers got small enough to put in our pocket, but just because you've lived longer on this earth, doesn't mean you're up to date on the nuances of everything that's going on in 2024.
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thief thieves boss bad-boss stolen found lost-and-found lost and found klepto kleptomaniac petty-revenge malicious-compliance mc reddit work coworkers employees managers library librarian

'If he says it's his, it's his': Boss insists on giving away 'lost & found' items to whomever claims them, until a thieving regular takes something that's hers

Kleptomaniacs come in many forms. Bank robbers, snatch-and-grabbers, check-out chocolate bar thieves, and public transit backpack rummagers are all some form of thieving-obsessed klepto. Although most klepto's dream of being a bank robber like in the movies, nobody has the stones or the brains to pull a job that big, so instead, they head over to their local library to get their thieving fix.
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'It's not my fault she lost her luggage': Friend leaves travel partner stranded after she loses her bags

'It's not my fault she lost her luggage': Friend leaves travel partner stranded after she loses her bags

A pair of travelers are certainly not going to be friends anymore after this disastrous ending to their trip . Some posts on r/AmItheA**hole require a lot of nuance, but in this story shared by u/Spare-Possibility750, commenters nearly unanimously said the OP was a huge jerk. These two women, the OP and her friend Emma, traveled to California to see the sights and snap a bunch of photos. The OP writes that they were staying with one of Emma's friends, and it seems that Emma or her friends coord…
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30+ Maps that will get you so lost you'll have to use the stars to navigate

30+ Maps that will get you so lost you'll have to use the stars to navigate

If you're older than a certain generation, you might have never really used a physical map. Maybe you remember them , but have you ever had to fold a physical map? These days, phone maps do basically everything, giving us step by step directions to get to any given destination. But the craft of map making is not dead. These creatives online created a handful of maps that are not only so silly, stupid, or useless, but half of them aren't even accurate either. Highlighted on the subreddit r/terri…
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Tumblr explains the early 2000s phenomonon of losing "The Game." | rainnecassidy If old enough remember just lost Game. raggedyanndy

Tumblr Explains The Origins of Losing The Game

Streak broken.
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Restaurant owner returns lost wallet |  11:40 ll5GE( TIVIESsayt Thu, Apr 9, 4:42 PM Hello James hope this message finds well. My name is Kevin and owner Goat Hill Tavern Costa Mesa and found something lost YEARS ago. There is still money wallet, although 's stuck inside, as well as old ID's and SSN card. Let know if this is actually and if like send current address. u CALIFORNIA r IFORNIA DiIVERLICENsE 4342 JAKE AMERICA UNID n PASSPORT CAR iMessage Pay ENTYDOLARS DAU CALIFORNIA

Restaurant Owner Finds and Returns Dude's Wallet after 7 Years

Oh man there could still be some useful coupons and punch cards in there.
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Wholesome Twitter story of a dad who lost his daughter's hamster.

Innocent Dad Freaks Out When He Loses Hamster

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tifu Guy Gets Carjacked By A Hitchhiker and Left For Dead, Wanders Into His Own Funeral

Guy Gets Carjacked By A Hitchhiker and Left For Dead, Wanders Into His Own Funeral

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Sometimes When You Lose Something, Someone Else Wins

win image girl returns lost id after finder uses it for a year as fake id
Via NYDrewReynolds
bet parody lost Video - 77802753

Having to Make a Shot-For-Shot Remake of "Good For You" is a Great Penalty For Losing a Bet

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TV lost Video - 77074945

If You've Never Watched 'Lost' Now You Don't Have to, Just Take 4 Minutes

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DJ Khaled Snapchatted His Terrifying Night Lost at Sea While Riding His Jet Ski

DJ Khaled Snapchatted His Terrifying Night Lost at Sea While Riding His Jet Ski
Via factmag
dancing GoPro burning man drones lost Video - 74284801

This is What it Looks Like When Your Drone Loses Its GoPro Over Burning Man

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Retrace Your Steps In A Straight Line

Via Mat145

Call the Cops!

bro dumb lost lost phone - 5609807104
Created by Coffeeist

I Guess It Actually Worked

dropped dumb gullible idiot lost lost phone - 5751340288
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