

Man locks himself out of car, then refuses to pay technician for his services, so he gets locked back out again: 'I threw his keys in the car and locked the doors'

Man locks himself out of car, then refuses to pay technician for his services, so he gets locked back out again: 'I threw his keys in the car and locked the doors'

When you're left high and dry, locked out of your car, you might not want to make demands on an overworked technician. One person stormed into a technician's shop, demanding they help him unlock the car that he had managed to lock himself out of. The technician was more than just a little annoyed because A. the customer had a demanding tone about him and B. it was almost closing time, so why should he help? Plus, the dude was with his girlfriend, who had a car, so it wasn't the end of the world…
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'She had an absolute meltdown': Flatmate moves out of state with college roommate's wallet stashed in car, then tosses wallet into trash

'She had an absolute meltdown': Flatmate moves out of state with college roommate's wallet stashed in car, then tosses wallet into trash

When faced with an arduous situation, do you cave and give in to an easy solution, or do you stand up, tough as nails, and return fire? The arduous situation in question, from OP's point of view, is that she was about to get caught stealing all the other roommates' stuff. And she had a total meltdown. But let's start from the beginning. As this story is told by u/CharmingUniversity98's point of view, we shall start there. Many years ago, back when OP was in college, they lived with 4 roommates.…
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'He just looks at me dumbfounded: "Wait, you mean I have to pay for this?"': Locksmith enacts extremely satisfying revenge on irritating customer

'He just looks at me dumbfounded: "Wait, you mean I have to pay for this?"': Locksmith enacts extremely satisfying revenge on irritating customer

One locksmith got back at an annoying customer in the best possible way — which of course the customer absolutely hated. As the OP shared in this classic post , they're a locksmith who makes keys and opens doors and car doors for customers. But at the end of one day, an irritating customer barged in shirtless and demanded service. He didn't become any less of a headache from that point forward! As a locksmith , though, the OP had most of the power in his hands. His business also had a policy th…
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Liar says that automotive locksmith broke his car's rear defroster, and petty revenge ensues | reddit post r/pettyrevenge SumoNinja17 Lie get back my $75.00, watch walk customers away business years! Many moons ago did automotive locksmith work usually cars were impounded, repoed or people lost their keys. l'd make my rounds once or twice week storage lots and there would be list waiting

Liar Says Automotive Locksmith Broke His Car's Rear Defroster

The customer's lies cost him a lot more than $75.
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