
living together

Girl finds herself living with 4 other people in 2-bedroom apartment after being lied to by roommate, resulting in roommate moving out when she takes it too far: 'We're packed like sardines'

Girl finds herself living with 4 other people in 2-bedroom apartment after being lied to by roommate, resulting in roommate moving out when she takes it too far: 'We're packed like sardines'

When someone lives away from their parents, the possibility of seeing them split into two options - Either they travel to see their parents or their parents travel to see them. Traveling to your parents is usually not a problem. You can stay in your childhood bedroom and feel comfortable in the space in which you grew up. But when your parents come to visit you, it can get quite… tricky, to say the least. The biggest problem of all, is the sleeping situation – Where will your parents stay? Will…
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'He's your son, not mine': Woman adds veggies to every meal to prevent roommate's kid from eating it, roommate responds ‘we need food’

'He's your son, not mine': Woman adds veggies to every meal to prevent roommate's kid from eating it, roommate responds ‘we need food’

Living with roommates is such a dice roll… are you gonna land on a good number or are you gonna lose the game? This woman was renting a house with a single mother and her son. She stated she didn't actually mind living with the pair, as they didn't interact much due to colliding work schedules, but over time, things got ugly anyway. The single mother was struggling financially, but the woman telling the story said that she didn't make a good salary either… so it's not a Robin Hood story. The wo…
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‘Don’t ever come back here': Man kicks his roommate out after finding out he has been purposely messing with his food

‘Don’t ever come back here': Man kicks his roommate out after finding out he has been purposely messing with his food

Even if you are the most friendly person in the world, even if you love people and constantly enjoy having company, one thing constantly remains a challenge, and that is having roommates. Having to live with someone you don't know so well is an experience that is hard to describe. Each of you has your own habits, house rules you grew up on, and pet peeves, and finding the middle ground usually seems impossible. Many succeed with that task, but some fail miserably. Like the person who wrote this…
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wholesome relationship living together teenagers revenge revenge-stories petty dad mildly infuriating Reddit son Father - 24196357

'We worked things out and promised not to drive each other crazy on purpose': Teen drives dad mad for months by moving his stuff within 1-meter radius, revenge wholesomely brings them closer

This must be one of the most subtly infuriating revenge stories, and it's truly ingenious. Living with someone inevitably exposes you to their idiosyncrasies, those small habits that can seriously grate on your nerves. It could be the way they tidy up, their pillow arrangement, or the way they always leave their toothbrush out – the seemingly trivial things that still drive you mad. In this father-son dynamic, the father finds himself unable to tolerate the disorderly way his teen leaves everyt…
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