
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

couple breaks up on plane

Woman Live-Tweets the Nauseating Turbulence of an Airplane Breakup

school facts list - 610053

Why Not Learn a Few Facts While Pumping Gas?

kissing couple on the beach gets photoshopped

How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You People?

advice animal sheltered college freshman

20 Examples of Sheltered College Freshmen You Can Expect to Deal With This Year

twitter list - 607493

30 Brilliant Invention Ideas, Courtesy of Bored Elon Musk

twitter list donald trump Hillary Clinton president election 2016 politics - 609797

So, There's a Presidential Candidate Named "Deez Nuts" Who Has 9 Percent of the Vote in North Carolina So Far

bros vegas list bachelor party - 608005

That Feel When Your Friends Turn You Into an Advertisement for STD Cream...

Forrest Gump Tinder

This Guy Pretended to Be Forrest Gump on Tinder... and One Girl Actually Took the Bait


Troll Creates Fake Target Customer Service Account, Responds To Gender-Neutral Haters

sports list trolling butts facebook football - 601349

Michigan Athletics' Facebook Pages Get Hacked and It's All About the Booty

cops twitter list - 600325

Meet Lexi, the 19-Year-Old "Protector" of Cops

list deadpool text - 598277

9 Text Posts That Perfectly Sum Up Deadpool

hilarious tinder troll in DM conversations

This Tinder Hero Does Nothing But Troll People

list - 595205

Speed Run Through Life With The Life Hacks of SpeedRunsLife

tinder troll  pulls some move for epic trolling

Guy Becomes the Admin of a Confederate Facebook Group and Pulls Off Greatest Trolling of All Time

minions list IRL - 588037

A Demon in the Form of a Giant Inflatable Minion Rained Terror Upon Ireland