

Turn a light on, it's dark in here. Keep your day going with the flow with these airy light jokes and puns that will have you uplifted and feeling good.

Desk Lamp WIN

art decoration design lamp light - 5764809728
Via Supergreat

Shadow WIN

bar clever design light Music shadow - 5765508864
Via Taters625

Safety First!

bike bottle light lightbulb motorcycle - 5737729792

Light Painting WIN

art glass light pretty colors reflection refraction - 5712444672

Paperclip Chandelier WIN

art chandelier design DIY light shadows - 5672515328
Via piss_up_a_rope

Isn't This What Lamp Shades Are For?

holding it up lamp light - 5590466048
Created by Unknown
art digital installation light mirror reflection Video wood - 29815297

Wood Mirror WIN

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Mother Nature FTW: Horsetail Falls WIN

light mother nature ftw nature park pretty colors reflection waterfall - 5472878592
Via Reddit

Infinity Lights WIN

All the Colors of the Rainbow art installation light mirror perspective photography pretty colors - 5493149440
Via Web Urbanist

Hat Lamp WIN

classy dapper design Hall of Fame hat lamp light - 5473118208

Light Painting WIN

creepy design Forest light light painting long exposure - 5436460800
art creepy eye installation light Video water tower - 27595521

Creepy Eye WIN

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Prism WIN

body paint Dark Side of the Moon hand light painting pink floyd prism - 5351225088

Light Painting Scene WIN

art light photography pretty colors time lapse - 5336377344
Via Colossal

Greenhouse Lamp WIN

design glass growth lamp light plants - 5300585472
Via Neatorama

Light Bench WIN

art bench design furniture light park - 5308375808